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2021-02-24 1991 GC電影獎入圍暨得獎名單 George Column Film Awards Nominations and Winners (34) (0)
2021-02-23 1990 GC電影獎入圍暨得獎名單 George Column Film Awards Nominations and Winners (38) (0)
2021-02-16 2020 第九屆MB電影獎得獎名單(附得獎理由) The 9th Annual Movie Buff Film Awards Winners (with comments) (140) (0)
2021-02-03 2021第78屆好萊塢外籍記者協會金球獎電影入圍暨得獎名單 The 78th Annual HFPA Golden Globe Awards Motion Picture Nominations and Winners (35) (0)
2021-01-25 2021第93屆奧斯卡金像獎入圍預測(一月版)Oscar Nominations Prediction (January) (456) (0)
2021-01-23 奧斯卡最佳影片補片計劃:西線無戰事 All Quiet on the Western Front (17) (0)
2021-01-13 2020 GC電影獎入圍暨得獎名單 George Column Film Awards Nominations and Winners (89) (0)
2021-01-09 2020 第九屆MB電影獎入圍暨得獎名單 The 9th Annual Movie Buff Film Awards Nominations and Winners (357) (0)
2020-12-20 2020台北金馬影展:游牧人生 Nomadland (244) (0)
2020-11-30 2020台北金馬影展:85年的夏天 Summer of 85 (209) (0)
2020-11-26 2020台北金馬影展:未來的我們 No Hard Feelings (84) (0)
2020-11-25 2020台北金馬影展:追尋音樂的靈光 The Disciple (190) (0)
2020-11-23 奧斯卡最佳影片補片計劃:壯志千秋 Cimarron (19) (0)
2020-11-21 同學麥娜絲 Classmates Minus (100) (0)
2020-11-21 親愛的房客 Dear Tenant (19) (0)
2020-11-21 消失的情人節 My Missing Valentine (65) (0)
2020-11-18 2020台北金馬影展:烈血大風暴 Mississippi Burning (78) (0)
2020-11-17 2020台北金馬影展:名揚四海 Fame (13) (0)
2020-11-16 2020台北金馬影展:殯之森 The Mourning Forest (43) (0)
2020-11-15 2020台北金馬影展:默愛 Ammonite (135) (0)
2020-11-10 2020台北金馬影展:萌之朱雀 Sukazu (327) (0)
2020-11-05 后翼棄兵 The Queen’s Gambit (98) (0)
2020-11-01 芭樂特電影續集:哈薩克青年抱(錯)美國大腿之邁向強國必修課 Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (98) (0)
2020-10-31 幸運女神 The Goddess of Fortune (85) (0)
2020-10-28 日新大戲院的個人記憶 (50) (0)
2020-10-18 芝加哥七人案:驚世審判 The Trial of the Chicago 7 (178) (0)
2020-10-14 男孩夜派對 The Boys in the Band (1323) (0)
2020-10-11 奧斯卡最佳影片補片計劃:大飯店 Grand Hotel (78) (0)
2020-10-10 電子情書 You've Got Mail (204) (0)
2020-10-09 我想離開你 Us (88) (0)
2020-10-04 奧斯卡最佳影片補片計劃:氣壯山河 Cavalcade (55) (0)
2020-09-25 血迷宮 Blood Simple. (92) (0)
2020-09-17 麥路人 I'm Livin' It (127) (0)
2020-09-13 天使薇拉卓克 Vera Drake (35) (0)
2020-09-09 赤裸 Naked (81) (0)
2020-09-07 奧斯卡最佳影片補片計劃:叛艦喋血記 Mutiny on the Bounty (31) (0)
2020-09-06 我想結束這一切 I’m Thinking of Ending Things (80) (0)
2020-09-01 奧斯卡最佳影片補片計劃:歌舞大王齊格飛 The Great Ziegfeld (18) (0)
2020-09-01 阿比阿弟尋歌大冒險 Bill & Ted Face the Music (16) (0)
2020-08-30 蘇州河 Suzhou River (83) (0)
2020-08-28 天能 Tenet (79) (0)
2020-08-26 跟蹤 Following (67) (0)
2020-08-26 偷拐搶騙:20週年 Snatch.: 20th Anniversary (40) (0)
2020-08-24 阿紫 The Good Daughter (49) (0)
2020-08-23 印度之旅 A Passage to India (265) (0)
2020-08-20 抱抱我的初戀:第一季 Love, Victor: Season 1 (523) (0)
2020-08-19 奧斯卡最佳影片補片計劃:左拉傳 The Life of Emile Zola (69) (0)
2020-08-17 逃出立法院 Get the Hell Out (40) (0)
2020-08-16 奧斯卡最佳影片補片計劃:浮生若夢 You Can't Take It with You (56) (0)
2020-08-15 奧斯卡最佳影片補片計劃:翡翠谷 How Green Was My Valley (56) (0)