最佳影片 Best Film
★《以你的名字呼喚我》Call Me by Your Name
3《最酷的旅伴》Faces Places
4《BPM》BPM (Beats Per Minute)
6《野梨樹》The Wild Pear Tree
7《淑女鳥》Lady Bird
9《霓裳魅影》Phantom Thread
11《西部老巴的故事》The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
最佳導演 Directing
侯班康皮洛《BPM》Robin Campillo for BPM (Beats Per Minute)
李滄東《燃燒烈愛》Lee Chang-dong for Burning
盧卡古阿達格尼諾《以你的名字呼喚我》Luca Guadagnino for Call Me by Your Name
安妮華達、JR《最酷的旅伴》Agnès Varda and JR for Faces Places
★ 艾馮索庫阿隆《羅馬》Alfonso Cuarón for Roma
最佳男主角 Actor in a Leading Role
★ 提摩西夏拉梅《以你的名字呼喚我》Timothée Chalamet in Call Me by Your Name
邱澤《誰先愛上他的》Roy Chiu in Dear Ex
布萊德利庫柏《一個巨星的誕生》Bradley Cooper in A Star is Born
丹尼爾戴路易斯《霓裳魅影》Daniel Day-Lewis in Phantom Thread
拉米馬雷克《波希米亞狂想曲》Rami Malek in Bohemian Rhapsody
最佳女主角 Actress in a Leading Role
★ 安藤櫻《小偷家族》Ando Sakura in Shoplifters
亞莉札阿帕里希歐《羅馬》Yalitza Aparicio in Roma
夏綠蒂蘭普琳《漢娜的失序人生》Charlotte Rampling in Hannah
瑟夏羅南《淑女鳥》Saroise Ronan in Lady Bird
梅莉史翠普《郵報:密戰》Meryl Streep in The Post
艾瑪湯普遜《判決》Emma Thompson in The Children Act
最佳男配角 Actor in a Supporting Role
★ 提摩西夏拉梅《美麗男孩》Timothée Chalamet in Beautiful Boy
艾米漢默《以你的名字呼喚我》Armie Hammer in Call Me by Your Name
山姆洛克威爾《意外》Sam Rockwell in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
★ 麥克斯圖巴格《以你的名字呼喚我》Michael Stuhlbarg in Call Me by Your Name
袁富華《翠絲》Ben Yuen in Tracey
最佳女配角 Actress in a Supporting Role
丁寧《幸福城市》Ding Ning in Cities of Last Things
克蕾兒佛伊《登月先鋒》Claire Foy in First Man
艾莉森詹尼《老娘叫譚雅》Allison Janney in I, Tonya
★ 蕾絲莉曼維爾《霓裳魅影》Lesley Manville in Phantom Thread
蘿莉梅特卡夫《淑女鳥》Laurie Metcalf in Lady Bird
最佳原著劇本 Original Screenplay
《西部老巴的故事》喬爾柯恩、伊森柯恩 Joel Coen and Ethan Coen for The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
《BPM》侯班康皮洛 Robin Campillo for BPM (Beats Per Minute)
《當愛不見了》歐雷格奈金、安德烈薩金賽夫 Oleg Negin and Andrey Zvyagintsev for Loveless
《一屍到底》上田慎一郎 Ueda Shinichiro for One Cut of the Dead
《霓裳魅影》保羅湯瑪斯安德森 Paul Thomas Anderson for Phantom Thread
★《羅馬》艾馮索庫阿隆 Alfonso Cuarón for Roma
《野梨樹》努里畢給傑朗、艾布露傑朗、阿金阿克蘇 Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Ebru Ceylan and Akın Aksu The Wild Pear Tree
最佳改編劇本 Adapted Screenplay
《燃燒烈愛》吳貞美、李滄東 Oh Jung-mi and Lee Chang-dong for Burning
★《以你的名字呼喚我》詹姆斯艾佛利 James Ivory for Call Me by Your Name
《瘋狂亞洲富豪》林美雲、彼得奇亞瑞里 Adele Lim and Peter Chiarelli for Crazy Rich Asians
《家戰》札維耶勒龔德 Xavier Legrand for Custody
《大災難家》史考特諾斯泰特、麥克H.韋伯 Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber for The Disaster Artist
最佳美術設計 Production Design
★《以你的名字呼喚我》山繆戴修爾斯(美術設計);繆莉兒琴納爾、桑德羅皮卡羅吉、維歐藍泰維斯康堤迪摩德隆內(場景布置)Samuel Deshors (Production Design); Muriel Chinal, Sandro Piccarozzi and Violante Visconti di Modrone (Set Decoration) for Call Me by Your Name
《登月先鋒》納森克羅利(美術設計);凱西盧卡斯(場景布置)Nathan Crowley (Production Design); Kathy Lucas (Set Decoration) for First Man
★《羅馬》艾烏漢尼歐卡巴耶羅(美術設計);芭芭拉恩立奎斯(場景布置)Eugenio Caballero (Production Design); Barbara Enriquez (Set Decoration) for Roma
《影》馬光榮 Ma Kwong Wing for Shadow
《水底情深》保羅丹漢奧斯特伯里(美術設計);薛恩維歐、傑夫梅爾文(場景布置)Paul Denham Austerberry (Production Design); Shane Vieau and Jeff Melvin (Set Decoration) for The Shape of Water
最佳攝影 Cinematography
《西部老巴的故事》布魯諾戴爾邦內 Bruno Delbonnel for The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
《以你的名字呼喚我》雍姆布穆克迪普隆姆 Sayombhu Mukdeeprom for Call Me by Your Name
《登月先鋒》萊納斯桑德格倫 Linus Sandgren for First Man
《當愛不見了》米亥爾克里赫曼 Mikhail Krichman for Loveless
★《羅馬》艾馮索庫阿隆 Alfonso Cuarón for Roma
《影》趙小丁 Zhao Xiaoding for Shadow
最佳造型設計 Costume Design, Makeup and Hairstyling
《黑豹》露絲卡特(服裝設計);喬爾哈洛(化妝);卡蜜兒福蘭德(髮型)Ruth Carter (Costume Design); Joel Harlow (Makeup); Camille Friend (Hairstyling) for Black Panther
《以你的名字呼喚我》茱莉亞皮耶桑提(服裝設計);費南妲培雷斯(化妝);馬諾羅嘉西亞(髮型)Giulia Piersanti (Costume Design); Fernanda Perez (Makeup); Manolo Garcia (Hairstyling) for Call Me by Your Name
★《霓裳魅影》馬克布里吉斯(服裝設計);保羅英格倫(化妝);強亨利高登(髮型)Mark Bridges (Costume Design); Paul Engelen (Makeup); Jon Henry Gordon (Hairstyling) for Phantom Thread
《影》陳敏正 Chen Minzheng for Shadow
《水底情深》路易斯賽奎拉(服裝設計);喬登山繆爾(化妝);寶拉福里特(髮型)Luis Sequeira (Costume Design); Jordan Samuel (Makeup); Paula Fleet (Hairstyling) for The Shape of Water
最佳剪輯 Film Editing
《BPM》侯班康皮洛 Robin Campillo for BPM (Beats Per Minute)
《燃燒烈愛》金大元、金賢 Kim Da-won and Kim Hyun for Burning
★《以你的名字呼喚我》華特法薩諾 Walter Fasano for Call Me by Your Name
《底特律》威廉高德柏格、哈利尹 William Goldenberg and Harry Yoon for Detroit
★《羅馬》艾馮索庫阿隆、亞當高夫 Alfonso Cuarón and Adam Gough for Roma
最佳原創配樂 Original Score
《西部老巴的故事》卡特柏爾 Carter Burwell for The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
★《BPM》阿諾雷波提尼 Arnaud Rebotini for BPM (Beats Per Minute)
《淑女鳥》強布里昂 Jon Brion for Lady Bird
《霓裳魅影》強尼葛林伍德 Jonny Greenwood for Phantom Thread
《水底情深》亞歷山大岱斯普拉 Alexandre Desplat for The Shape of Water
最佳原創歌曲 Original Song
《一個巨星的誕生》"Always Remember Us This Way" 詞曲:女神卡卡、娜塔莉漢比、希拉蕊林西、蘿莉麥肯納 From A Star is Born, Music and Lyric by Lady Gaga, Natalie Hemby, Hillary Lindsey and Lori McKenna
《一個巨星的誕生》"I'll Never Love Again" 詞曲:女神卡卡、娜塔莉漢比、希拉蕊林西、艾倫萊提爾 From A Star is Born, Music and Lyric by Lady Gaga, Natalie Hemby, Hillary Lindsey and Aaron Raitiere
★《以你的名字呼喚我》"Mystery of Love" 詞曲:蘇揚史蒂文斯 From Call Me by Your Name, Music and Lyric by Sufjan Stevens
《一個巨星的誕生》"Shallow" 詞曲:馬克朗森、女神卡卡、安東尼羅索曼多、安德魯懷特 From A Star is Born, Music and Lyric by Mark Ronson, Lady Gaga, Anthony Rossomando and Andrew Wyatt
《以你的名字呼喚我》"Visions of Gideon" 詞曲:蘇揚史蒂文斯 From Call Me by Your Name, Music and Lyric by Sufjan Stevens
最佳聲音 Sound
《波希米亞狂想曲》Bohemian Rhapsody
《以你的名字呼喚我》Call Me by Your Name
★《登月先鋒》First Man
《一級玩家》Ready Player One
《一個巨星的誕生》A Star is Born
最佳視覺效果 Visual Effects
《黑豹》Black Panther
《登月先鋒》First Man
★《一級玩家》Ready Player One
最佳動畫長片 Animated Feature
《超人特攻隊2》Incredibles 2
《犬之島》Isle of Dogs
《幸福路上》On Happiness Road
《無敵破壞王2:網路大暴走》Ralph Breaks the Internet
★《蜘蛛人:新宇宙》Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
最佳紀錄長片特別獎 Special Award for Best Documentary Feature
《最酷的旅伴》Faces Places
決選投票成員:牛頭犬、Tommy Liu、Alan Chu、保溫冰、喬治鎊
初、複選投票成員:牛頭犬、Patrick Jia、Jeffrey Chen、Tommy Liu、Alan Chu、保溫冰、喬治鎊