最佳影片 Best Film
《ALWAYS幸福的三丁目》Always - Sunset on Third Street
《4月3週又2天》4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
《來自硫磺島的信》Letters from Iwo Jima
《小太陽的願望》Little Miss Sunshine
《竊聽風暴》The Lives of Others
《黛妃與女皇》The Queen
最佳導演 Best Directing
克里斯蒂安孟基伍《4月3週又2天》Cristian Mungiu for 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
弗羅利安韓克爾馮多納史馬克《竊聽風暴》Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck for The Lives of Others
★ 李安《色|戒》Ang Lee for Lust/Caution
史蒂芬福瑞爾斯《黛妃與女皇》Stephen Frears for The Queen
大衛芬奇《索命黃道帶》David Fincher for Zodiac
最佳男主角 Actor in a Leading Role
喬治克隆尼《全面反擊》George Clooney in Michael Clayton
李奧納多狄卡皮歐《血鑽石》Leonardo DiCaprio in Blood Diamond
梁朝偉《色|戒》Tony Leung in Lust/Caution
烏利惠慕厄《竊聽風暴》Ulrich Mühe in The Lives of Others
★ 彼得奧圖《維納斯》Peter O'Toole in Venus
最佳女主角 Actress in a Leading Role
凱特布蘭琪《伊莉莎白:輝煌年代》Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth: The Golden Age
瑪莉詠柯蒂亞《玫瑰人生》Marion Cotillard in La Vie en Rose
茱蒂丹契《醜聞筆記》Judi Dench in Notes on a Scandal
安娜瑪麗亞馬林卡《4月3週又2天》Anamaria Marinca in 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
★ 海倫米蘭《黛妃與女皇》Helen Mirren in The Queen
最佳男配角 Actor in a Supporting Role
★ 艾倫阿金《小太陽的願望》Alan Arkin in Little Miss Sunshine
傑蒙韓蘇《血鑽石》Djimon Hounsou in Blood Diamond
弗拉德伊凡諾夫《4月3週又2天》Vlad Ivanov in 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
麥克辛《黛妃與女皇》Michael Sheen in The Queen
湯姆威金森《全面反擊》Tom Wilkinson in Michael Clayton
最佳女配角 Actress in a Supporting Role
露比迪《美國黑幫》Ruby Dee in American Gangster
珍妮佛哈德森《夢幻女郎》Jennifer Hudson in Dreamgirls
蜜雪兒菲佛《髮膠明星夢》Michelle Pfeiffer in Hairspray
梅莉史翠普《大家來我家》Meryl Streep in A Prairie Home Companion
★ 蒂妲史雲頓《全面反擊》Tilda Swinton in Michael Clayton
最佳原著劇本 Original Screenplay
★《4月3週又2天》克里斯蒂安孟基伍 Cristian Mungiu for 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
《小太陽的願望》麥克昂特 Michael Arndt for Little Miss Sunshine
《竊聽風暴》弗羅利安韓克爾馮多納史馬克 Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck for The Lives of Others
《黛妃與女皇》彼得摩根 Peter Morgan for The Queen
《料理鼠王》故事:布萊德博德、揚品卡瓦、吉姆卡波畢安柯;劇本:布萊德博德 Story by Brad Bird, Jan Pinkava and Jim Capobianco; Screenplay by Brad Bird for Ratatouille
最佳改編劇本 Adapted Screenplay
因同票而有六部入圍影片 Due to a tie in voting in this category, there are six nominations
《芭樂特:哈薩克青年必修(理)美國文化》故事:薩查拜倫柯亨、彼得貝恩漢姆、安東尼漢斯、陶德菲利普斯;劇本:薩查拜倫柯亨、彼得貝恩漢姆、安東尼漢斯、丹梅澤 Story by Sacha Baron Cohen, Peter Baynham, Anthony Hines and Todd Phillips; Screenplay by Sacha Baron Cohen, Peter Baynham, Anthony Hines and Dan Mazer for Borat: Cultral Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
《查泰萊夫人》帕絲卡費宏、侯傑波柏特、皮耶特里維迪茨 Pascale Ferran, Roger Bohbot and Pierre Trividic for Lady Chatterley
★《色|戒》王蕙玲、詹姆斯夏慕斯Wang Hui-Ling and James Schamus for Lust/Caution
《醜聞筆記》派屈克馬柏 Patrick Marber for Notes on a Scandal
《決戰3:10》霍斯泰德威爾斯、麥可布蘭特、戴瑞克哈斯 Halsted Welles, Michael Brandt and Derek Haas for 3:10 to Yuma
《索命黃道帶》詹姆斯范德畢爾特 James Vanderbilt for Zodiac
最佳藝術指導 Production Design
《ALWAYS幸福的三丁目》上條安里 Johjo Anri for Always - Sunset on Third Street
《夢幻女郎》約翰麥爾;場景布置:萳西海格 John Myhre; Set Decoration: Nancy Haigh for Dreamgirls
《髮膠明星夢》大衛葛洛普曼;場景布置:高登辛姆 David Gropman; Set Decoration: Gordon Sim for Hairspray
《色|戒》朴若木、劉世運 Pan Lai and Olympic Lau Sai Wan for Lust/Caution
★《羊男的迷宮》尤金尼歐卡巴耶洛;場景布置:皮拉雷布耶塔 Eugenio Caballero; Set Decoration: Pilar Revuelta for Pan's Labyrinth
最佳攝影 Cinematography
《ALWAYS幸福的三丁目》柴崎幸三 Shibazaki Kozo for Always - Sunset on Third Street
《4月3週又2天》歐雷格慕圖 Oleg Mutu for 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
★《色|戒》羅德里哥普里耶沱 Rodrigo Prieto for Lust/Caution
《羊男的迷宮》吉耶莫納瓦羅 Guillermo Navarro for Pan's Labyrinth
《索命黃道帶》哈里斯薩維德斯 Harris Savides for Zodiac
最佳造型設計 Costume Design, Makeup and Hairstyling
《伊莉莎白:輝煌年代》亞莉珊卓拉柏恩、珍妮雪柯爾 Alexandra Byrne and Jenny Shircore for Elizabeth: The Golden Age
《玫瑰人生》瑪麗特艾倫、迪迪耶拉維恩、珍阿奇波德 Marit Allen, Didier Lavergne and Jan Archibald for La Vie en Rose
★《色|戒》朴若木、呂鳳珊 Pan Lai and Lui Fung Shan for Lust/Caution
《凡爾賽拜金女》米蓮娜卡諾奈羅、尚呂克宇西耶、黛西瑞柯里多尼 Milena Canonero, Jean-Luc Russier and Desiree Corridoni for Marie Antoinette
《羊男的迷宮》拉拉惠泰、荷賽奎特葛拉斯、布蘭卡桑雀茲 Lala Hueta, José Quetglás and Blanca Sánchez for Pan's Labyrinth
最佳剪輯 Film Editing
《神鬼認證:最後通牒》克里斯多佛勞斯 Christopher Rouse for The Bourne Ultimatum
《4月3週又2天》丹娜布內斯庫 Dana Bunescu for 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
★《竊聽風暴》派翠西亞羅梅爾 Patricia Rommel for The Lives of Others
《色|戒》提姆史圭雅斯 Tim Squyres for Lust/Caution
《羊男的迷宮》貝納特維拉普拉納 Bernat Vilaplana for Pan's Labyrinth
最佳原創配樂 Original Score
《ALWAYS幸福的三丁目》佐藤直紀 Sato Naoki for Always - Sunset on Third Street
《小太陽的願望》麥克丹納、DeVotchKa Mychael Danna and DeVotchKa for Little Miss Sunshine
★《色|戒》亞歷山大岱斯普拉 Alexandre Desplat for Lust/Caution
《黛妃與女皇》亞歷山大岱斯普拉 Alexandre Desplat for The Queen
《料理鼠王》麥克吉亞奇諾 Michael Giacchino for Ratatouille
最佳原創歌曲 Original Song
★《髮膠明星夢》"Come So Far (Got So Far to Go)" 詞曲:馬克薛曼、史考特維特曼 From Hairspray, Music and Lyric by Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman
《巴黎小情歌》"Le yeux au ciel" 詞曲:阿雷克斯波旁 From Love Songs, Music and Lyric by Alex Beaupain
《夢幻女郎》"Listen" 曲:亨利克里格、史考特卡特勒;詞:安妮普瑞文 From Dreamgirls, Music by Henry Krieger and Scott Cutler; Lyric by Anne Preven
《夢幻女郎》"Patience" 曲:亨利克里格;詞:威利瑞爾 From Dreamgirls, Music by Henry Krieger; Lyric by Willie Reale
《不能說的.秘密》「不能說的秘密」曲:周杰倫;詞:方文山 From Secret, Music by Jay Chou; Lyric by Vincent Wen Shan Fang
最佳音效 Sound
★《神鬼認證:最後通牒》The Bourne Ultimatum
《來自硫磺島的信》Letters from Iwo Jima
最佳視覺效果 Visual Effects
《哈利波特:鳳凰會的密令》Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
★《羊男的迷宮》Pan's Labyrinth
《神鬼奇航:世界的盡頭》Pirates of the Caribbean: The World's End
最佳動畫長片 Animated Feature
《跳躍吧!時空少女》The Girl Who Leapt Through Time