最佳影片 Best Film
《破浪而出》Breaking the Waves
《英倫情人》The English Patient
《春光乍洩》Happy Together
《陽光燦爛的日子》In the Heat of the Sun
《鐵面特警隊》L.A. Confidential
《情色風暴1997》The People vs. Larry Flynt
《魔法公主》Princess Mononoke
★《意外的春天》The Sweet Hereafter
《櫻桃的滋味》Taste of Cherry
最佳導演 Best Directing
安東尼明格拉《英倫情人》Anthony Minghella for The English Patient
王家衛《春光乍洩》Wong Kar Wai for Happy Together
柯提斯韓森《鐵面特警隊》Curtis Hanson for L.A. Confidential
米洛許佛曼《情色風暴1997》Milos Forman for The People vs. Larry Flynt
★ 艾騰伊格言《意外的春天》Atom Egoyan for The Sweet Hereafter
最佳男主角 Actor in a Leading Role
瑞夫范恩斯《英倫情人》Ralph Fiennes in The English Patient
伍迪哈里遜《情色風暴1997》Woody Harrelson in The People vs. Larry Flynt
梁朝偉《春光乍洩》Tony Leung in Happy Together
★ 傑佛瑞洛許《鋼琴師》Geoffrey Rush in Shine
比利鮑伯松頓《彈簧刀》Billy Bob Thornton in Sling Blade
最佳女主角 Actress in a Leading Role
黛安基頓《親親壞姊妹》Diane Keaton in Marvin's Room
瑪丹娜《阿根廷,別為我哭泣》Madonna in Evita
克莉絲汀史考特湯瑪斯《英倫情人》Kristin Scott Thomas in The English Patient
★ 艾蜜莉瓦特森《破浪而出》Emily Watson in Breaking the Waves
凱特溫絲蕾《鐵達尼號》Kate Winslet in Titanic
最佳男配角 Actor in a Supporting Role
張國榮《春光乍洩》Leslie Cheung in Happy Together
李奧納多狄卡皮歐《親親壞姊妹》Leonardo DiCaprio in Marvin's Room
小古巴古丁《征服情海》Cuba Gooding, Jr. in Jerry Maguire
阿敏穆勒史塔爾《鋼琴師》Armin Mueller-Stahl in Shine
★ 保羅史考菲德《激情年代》Paul Scofield in The Crucible
最佳女配角 Actress in a Supporting Role
瓊艾倫《激情年代》Joan Allen in The Crucible
金貝辛格《鐵面特警隊》Kim Basinger in L.A. Confidential
★ 茱麗葉畢諾許《英倫情人》Juliette Binoche in The English Patient
邱秀敏《忠仔》Qiu Shumin in Ah-Chung
雪歌妮薇佛《冰風暴》Sigourney Weaver in The Ice Storm
最佳原著劇本 Original Screenplay
《征服情海》卡麥隆克洛 Cameron Crowe for Jerry Maguire
《春光乍洩》王家衛 Wong Kar Wai for Happy Together
《香港製造》陳果 Fruit Chan for Made in Hong Kong
★《情色風暴1997》史考特亞歷山大、賴瑞卡拉祖斯基 Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski for The People vs. Larry Flynt
《魔法公主》宮崎駿 Miyazaki Hayao for Princess Mononoke
最佳改編劇本 Adapted Screenplay
《英倫情人》安東尼明格拉 Anthony Minghella for The English Patient
《冰風暴》詹姆斯夏慕斯 James Schamus for The Ice Storm
《陽光燦爛的日子》姜文 Jiang Wen for In the Heat of the Sun
★《鐵面特警隊》柯提斯韓森、布萊恩海格蘭 Curtis Hanson and Brian Helgeland for L.A. Confidential
《意外的春天》艾騰伊格言 Atom Egoyan for The Sweet Hereafter
最佳藝術指導 Production Design
★《英倫情人》克瑞格史都華;場景布置:史蒂芬妮麥克米蘭 Craig Stuart; Set Decoration: Stephenie McMillan for The English Patient
《阿根廷,別為我哭泣》布萊恩莫里斯;場景布置:菲立普特魯爾 Brian Morris; Set Decoration: Philippe Turlure for Evita
《鐵面特警隊》琴南歐佩沃;場景布置:傑哈特 Jeannine Oppewall; Set Decoration: Jay Hart for L.A. Confidential
《鐵達尼號》彼得拉蒙;場景布置:麥克福德 Peter Lamont; Set Decoration: Michael Ford for Titanic
《羅密歐與茱麗葉》凱薩琳馬丁;場景布置:布莉姬特布羅屈 Catherine Martin; Set Decoration: Brigette Broch for William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet
最佳攝影 Cinematography
因同票而有六位入圍者 Due to a tie in voting in this category, there are six nominees
《英倫情人》約翰席爾 John Seale for The English Patient
《阿根廷,別為我哭泣》達利爾斯康德吉 Darius Khongji for Evita
《返家十萬里》凱勒布戴斯香奈 Caleb Deschanel for Fly Away Home
★《春光乍洩》杜可風 Christopher Doyle for Happy Together
《陽光燦爛的日子》顧長衛 Gu Changwei for In the Heat of the Sun
《鐵達尼號》羅素卡本特 Russell Carpenter for Titanic
最佳造型設計 Costume Design, Makeup and Hairstyling
★《英倫情人》安羅斯、法布利吉歐斯佛札、奈傑布斯 Ann Roth, Fabrizio Sforza and Negel Booth for The English Patient
《阿根廷,別為我哭泣》潘妮羅斯、莎拉蒙贊妮、馬丁山繆爾 Penny Rose, Sarah Monzani and Martin Samuel for Evita
《第五元素》尚保羅高提耶、蘿伊絲伯威爾 Jean-Paul Gautier and Lois Burwell for The Fifth Element
《鐵面特警隊》露絲邁爾斯、約翰M.艾略特、史考特H.艾多、珍妮絲克拉克 Ruth Myers, John M. Elliot, Scott H. Eddo and Janis Clark for L.A. Confidential
《鐵達尼號》黛博拉L.史考特、蒂娜恩蕭、葛瑞坎肯能姆、賽門湯普森 Deborah L. Scott, Tina Earnshaw, Greg Cannom and Simon Thompson for Titanic
最佳剪輯 Film Editing
《英倫情人》華特莫屈 Walter Murch for The English Patient
《阿根廷,別為我哭泣》傑瑞漢布林 Gerry Hambling for Evita
《陽光燦爛的日子》周影 Zhou Ying for In the Heat of the Sun
★《鐵面特警隊》彼得宏奈斯 Peter Honess for L.A. Confidential
《鐵達尼號》康拉德巴夫四世、詹姆斯卡麥隆、李察A.哈里斯 Conrad Buff IV, James Cameron and Richard A. Harris for Titanic
最佳原創配樂 Original Score
《艾瑪姑娘要出嫁》瑞秋波特曼 Rachel Portman for Emma
★《英倫情人》蓋布瑞雅德 Gabriel Yared for The English Patient
《返家十萬里》馬克艾軒姆 Mark Isham for Fly Away Home
《魔法公主》久石讓 Joe Hisaishi for Princess Mononoke
《鐵達尼號》詹姆斯霍納 James Horner for Titanic
最佳原創歌曲 Original Song
《一日鍾情》"For the First Time"詞曲:詹姆斯紐頓霍華、賈德福萊德曼、艾倫丹尼斯李奇 From One Fine Day, Music and Lyric by James Newton Howard, Judd Friedman and Allan Dennis Rich
《空中監獄》"How Do I Live"詞曲:黛安華倫 From Con Air, Music and Lyric by Diane Warren
《越愛越美麗》"I Finally Found Someone"詞曲:芭芭拉史翠珊、馬文漢姆里許、勞勃約翰藍格、布萊恩亞當斯 From The Mirror Has Two Faces, Music and Lyric by Barbara Streisand, Marvin Hamlisch, John Robert Lange and Bryan Adams
《鐵達尼號》"My Heart Will Go On"曲:詹姆斯霍納;詞:威爾詹寧斯 From Titanic, Music by James Horner; Lyric by Will Jennings
★《阿根廷,別為我哭泣》"You Must Love Me"曲:安德魯洛伊韋伯;詞:提姆萊斯 From Evita, Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber; Lyric by Tim Rice
最佳音效 Sound
《英倫情人》The English Patient
《鐵面特警隊》L.A. Confidential
最佳視覺效果 Visual Effects
《第五元素》The Fifth Element
《失落的世界:侏羅紀公園》The Lost World: Jurassic Park
最佳動畫長片特別獎 Animated Feature Special Award
《魔法公主》Princess Mononoke