
TROIS COULEURS : BLEU • Explication de Film

最佳影片 Best Film
《藍色情挑》Trois couleurs: Bleu (Three Colors: Blue)
《長日將盡》The Remains of the Day
3《以父之名》In the Name of the Father
4《鋼琴師和她的情人》The Piano
5《今天暫時停止》Groundhog Day
6《辛德勒的名單》Schindler's List
7《喜宴》The Wedding Banquet
8《戲夢人生》The Puppetmaster
10《霸王別姬》Farewell My Concubine

最佳導演 Directing
吉姆薛瑞登《以父之名》Jim Sheridan for In the Name of the Father
珍康萍《鋼琴師和她的情人》Jane Campion for The Piano
★ 詹姆斯艾佛利《長日將盡》James Ivory for The Remains of the Day
史蒂芬史匹柏《辛德勒的名單》Steven Spielberg for Schindler's List
★ 克里斯多夫奇士勞斯基《藍色情挑》Krzysztof Kieślowski for Three Colors: Blue

最佳男主角 Actor in a Leading Role
張國榮《霸王別姬》Leslie Cheung in Farewell My Concubine
丹尼爾戴路易斯《以父之名》Daniel Day-Lewis in In the Name of the Father
湯姆漢克斯《費城》Tom Hanks in Philadelphia
★ 安東尼霍普金斯《長日將盡》Anthony Hopkins in The Remains of the Day
大衛休里斯《赤裸》David Thewlis in Naked

最佳女主角 Actress in a Leading Role
安琪拉貝瑟特《與愛何干》Angela Bassett in What's Love Got to Do with It
★ 茱麗葉畢諾許《藍色情挑》Juliette Binoche in Three Colors: Blue
★ 荷莉杭特《鋼琴師和她的情人》Holly Hunter in The Piano
斯琴高娃《香魂女》Siqin Gaowa in Woman Sesame Oil Maker
★ 艾瑪湯普遜《長日將盡》Emma Thompson in The Remains of the Day

最佳男配角 Actor in a Supporting Role
★ 李奧納多狄卡皮歐《戀戀情深》Leonard DiCaprio in What's Eating Gilbert Grape
瑞夫范恩斯《辛德勒的名單》Ralph Fiennes in Schindler's List
約翰馬可維奇《火線大行動》John Malkovich in In the Line of Fire
郎雄《喜宴》Lung Sihung in The Wedding Banquet
彼特波斯托斯維特《以父之名》Pete Postlethwaite in In the Name of the Father

最佳女配角 Actress in a Supporting Role
鞏俐《霸王別姬》Gong Li in Farewell My Concubine
歸亞蕾《喜宴》Gua Ah-leh in The Wedding Banquet
蘿西培瑞茲《劫後生死戀》Rosie Perez in Fearless
薇諾娜瑞德《純真年代》Winona Ryder in The Age of Innocence
★ 艾瑪湯普遜《以父之名》Emma Thompson in In the Name of the Father

最佳原著劇本 Original Screenplay
《今天暫時停止》丹尼魯賓、哈洛德瑞米斯 Danny Rubin and Harold Ramis for Groundhog Day
《赤裸》麥克李 Mike Leigh for Naked
《鋼琴師和她的情人》珍康萍 Jane Campion for The Piano
《藍色情挑》克里斯多夫奇士勞斯基、克里斯多夫皮耶謝維茨 Krzysztof Kieslowski and Krzysztof Piesiewicz for Three Colors: Blue
《喜宴》馮光遠、李安 Neil Peng and Ang Lee for The Wedding Banquet

最佳改編劇本 Adapted Screenplay
《霸王別姬》李碧華、蘆葦 Lillian Lee and Lu Wei for Farewell My Concubine
《以父之名》泰瑞喬治、吉姆薛瑞登 Terry George and Jim Sheridan for In the Name of the Father
《長日將盡》露絲普拉沃賈布瓦拉 Ruth Prawer Jhabvala for The Remains of the Day
《辛德勒的名單》史蒂芬柴利安 Steven Zaillian for Schindler's List
《香魂女》謝飛 Xie Fei for Woman Sesame Oil Maker

最佳藝術指導 Art Direction
《純真年代》藝術指導:丹泰費雷提;場景佈置:勞勃J.弗蘭柯 Art Direction: Dante Ferretti; Set Decoration: Robert J. Franco for The Age of Innocence
《霸王別姬》楊予和、楊占家 Yang Yuhe and YangZhanjia for Farewell My Concubine
《戲夢人生》張弘、何獻科、盧明進、蔡照益 Chang Huang, Ho Hsien-ko, Lu Min-jin and Tsai Chao-yi for The Puppetmaster
《長日將盡》藝術指導:露西安娜阿瑞吉;場景佈置:伊恩惠特克 Art Direction: Luciana Arrighi; Set Decoration: Ian Whittaker for The Remains of the Day
《辛德勒的名單》藝術指導:艾倫史塔斯基;場景佈置:艾娃布朗 Art Direction: Allan Starski; Set Decoration: Ewa Braun for Schindler's List

最佳攝影 Cinematography
《霸王別姬》顧長衛 Gu Changwei for Farewell My Concubine
《長日將盡》東尼皮爾斯羅勃茲 Tony Pierce-Roberts for The Remains of the Day
《辛德勒的名單》揚努許卡明斯基 Janusz Kaminski for Schindler's List
《秘密花園》羅傑迪金斯 Roger Deakins for The Secret Garden
《藍色情挑》斯拉沃米爾伊加克 Slawomir Idziak for Three Colors: Blue

最佳造型設計 Costume Design, Makeup and Hairstyling
《純真年代》服裝設計:蓋布莉葉拉佩斯庫奇;化妝:馬尼洛羅雀提;髮型:艾倫丹傑里歐 Costume Design: Gabriella Pescucci; Makeup: Manlio Rocchetti and Ronnie Specter; Hairstyling: Alan Dangerio for The Age of Innocence
《霸王別姬》陳昌敏 Chen Changmin for Farewell My Concubine
《鋼琴師和她的情人》服裝設計:珍奈特派特森;化妝:巴布麥卡隆、凱絲琳詹姆斯;髮型:渡邊紀子 Costume Design: Janet Patterson; Makeup: Bob McCarron and Kathrine James; Hairstyling: Noriko Watanabe for The Piano
《長日將盡》服裝設計:珍妮貝文、約翰布萊特;化妝:克莉絲汀貝佛里吉;髮型:卡蘿漢明 Costume Design: Jenny Beavan and John Bright; Makeup: Christine Beveridge; Hairstyling: Carol Hemming for The Remains of the Day
《辛德勒的名單》服裝設計:安娜B.薛帕德;化妝:克里斯汀娜史密斯、馬修W.孟格;髮型:茱蒂絲A.柯瑞 Costume Design: Anna B. Sheppard; Makeup: Christina Smith and Matthew W. Mungle; Hairstyling: Judith A. Cory for Schindler's List

最佳剪輯 Film Editing
《今天暫時停止》潘布洛克J.赫林 Pembroke J. Herring for Groundhog Day
《以父之名》傑瑞漢布林 Gerry Hambling for In the Name of the Father
《長日將盡》安德魯馬可斯 Andrew Marcus for The Remains of the Day
《辛德勒的名單》麥克康 Michael Kahn for Schindler's List
《藍色情挑》賈克維塔 Jacques Witta for Three Colors: Blue

最佳原創配樂 Original Score
《鋼琴師和她的情人》麥克奈曼 Michael Nyman for The Piano
《長日將盡》理查羅賓斯 Richard Robbins for The Remains of the Day
《辛德勒的名單》約翰威廉斯 John Willams for Schindler's List
《秘密花園》茲畢格涅夫普萊斯納 Zbigniew Preisner for The Secret Garden
《藍色情挑》茲畢格涅夫普萊斯納 Zbigniew Preisner for Three Colors: Blue

最佳原創歌曲 Original Song
《費城》"Philadelphia" 詞曲唱:布魯斯史普林斯汀 From Philadelphia, Music, Lyric and Performed by Bruce Springsteen
《費城》"Streets of Philadelphia" 詞曲唱:尼爾楊 From Philadelphia, Music, Lyric and Performed by Neil Young
《西雅圖夜未眠》"A Wink and a Smile" 曲:馬克薛曼;詞:藍姆西麥克林;唱:小哈利康尼克 From Sleepless in Seattle, Music by Marc Shaiman; Lyric by Ramsay Mclean; Performed by Harry Connick Jr.
《新不了情》「新不了情」曲:鮑比達;詞:黃鬱;唱:萬芳 From C'est la Vie, Mon Chéri, "New Everlasting Love," Music by Chris Babida; Lyric by Huang Yu; Performed by Wanfang Lin
《霸王別姬》「當愛已成往事」詞曲:李宗盛;唱:林憶蓮、李宗盛 From Farewell My Concubine, "Bygone Love," Music and Lyric by Jonathan Lee; Performed by Sandy Lam and Jonathan Lee

最佳聲音 Sound
《霸王別姬》Farewell My Concubine
《絕命追殺令》The Fugitive
《侏羅紀公園》Jurassic Park
《辛德勒的名單》Schindler's List
《藍色情挑》Three Colors: Blue

最佳視覺效果 Visual Effects
《看狗在說話》Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey
《侏羅紀公園》Jurassic Park
《聖誕夜驚魂》The Nightmare Before Christmas

    創作者 喬治鎊 的頭像

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