最佳影片 Best Film
★《中央車站》Central do Brasil (Central Station)
2《下一站,天國》ワンダフルライフ (After Life)
3《電子情書》You've Got Mail
4《戰略高手》Out of Sight
5《搶救雷恩大兵》Saving Private Ryan
6《永遠的一天》Μια αιωνιότητα και μια μέρα (Eternity and a Day)
7《楚門的世界》The Truman Show
8《紅色警戒》The Thin Red Line
9《海上花》Flowers of Shanghai
10《秋天的故事》Conte d'automne (Autumn Tale)
最佳導演 Directing
是枝裕和《下一站,天國》Kore-eda Hirokazu for After Life
★ 華特薩勒斯《中央車站》Walter Salles for Central Station
史蒂芬索德柏《戰略高手》Steven Soderbergh for Out of Sight
史蒂芬史匹柏《搶救雷恩大兵》Steven Spielberg for Saving Private Ryan
諾拉艾芙蓉《電子情書》Nora Ephron for You've Got Mail
最佳男主角 Actor in a Leading Role
金凱瑞《楚門的世界》Jim Carrey in The Truman Show
湯姆漢克斯《搶救雷恩大兵》Tom Hanks in Saving Private Ryan
★ 伊恩麥克連《眾神與野獸》Ian McKellen in Gods and Monsters
彼得穆蘭《我的名字是喬》Peter Mullen in My Name is Joe
艾德華諾頓《美國X檔案》Edward Norton in American History X
最佳女主角 Actress in a Leading Role
凱特布蘭琪《伊莉莎白》Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth
劉若英《徵婚啟事》Rene Liu in The Personals
★ 費南妲蒙坦奈格羅《中央車站》Fernanda Montenegro in Central Station
梅莉史翠普《親情難捨》Meryl Streep in One True Thing
艾蜜莉華森《無情荒地有琴天》Emily Watson in Hilary & Jackie
最佳男配角 Actor in a Supporting Role
勞勃杜瓦《法網邊緣》Robert Duvall in A Civil Action
艾德哈里斯《楚門的世界》Ed Harris in The Truman Show
比爾莫瑞《都是愛情惹的禍》Bill Murray in Rushmore
★ 文尼希爾斯德歐利維拉《中央車站》Vinícius de Oliveira in Central Station
比利鮑伯松頓《絕地計劃》Billy Bob Thornton in A Simple Plan
最佳女配角 Actress in a Supporting Role
★ 瓊艾倫《歡樂谷》Joan Allen in Pleasantville
凱西貝茲《風起雲湧》Kathy Bates in Primary Colors
茱蒂丹契《莎翁情史》Judi Dench in Shakespeare in Love
瑞秋葛瑞菲斯《無情荒地有琴天》Rachel Griffiths in Hilary & Jackie
芮妮齊薇格《親情難捨》Renée Zellweger in One True Thing
最佳原著劇本 Original Screenplay
《下一站,天國》是枝裕和 Kore-eda Hirokazu for After Life
《秋天的故事》艾力侯麥 Éric Rohmer for Autumn Tale
★《中央車站》故事:華勒薩勒斯;劇本;馬可斯伯恩斯汀、喬望艾曼努耶卡聶羅 Story by Walter Salles; Screenplay by Marcos Bernstein and João Emanuel Carneiro for Central Station
《永遠的一天》泰歐安哲羅普洛斯、東尼歐桂拉、佩特羅斯馬卡里斯、喬吉歐希爾瓦格尼 Theo Angelopoulos, Tonino Guerra, Petros Markaris and Giorgio Silvagni for Eternity and a Day
《楚門的世界》安德魯尼可 Andrew Niccol for The Truman Show
最佳改編劇本 Adapted Screenplay
《海上花》朱天文 Chu Tien-wen for Flowers of Shanghai
《眾神與野獸》比爾康登 Bill Condon for Gods and Monsters
《戰略高手》史考特法蘭克 Scott Frank for Out of Sight
《紅色警戒》泰倫斯馬力克 Terrence Malick for The Thin Red Line
★《電子情書》諾拉艾芙蓉、黛莉亞艾芙蓉 Nora Ephron and Delia Ephron for You've Got Mail
最佳藝術指導 Art Direction
《荊軻刺秦王》屠居華、林琦 Tu Juhua and Lin Qi for The Emperor and the Assassin
《烈愛風雲》藝術指導:東尼波若格;場景佈置:蘇珊波德 Art Direction: Tony Burrough; Set Decoration: Susan Bode for Great Expectations
★《海上花》黃文英、曹智偉 Hwarng Wern-ying and Tsao Chih Wei for Flowers of Shanghai
《歡樂谷》藝術指導:金寧澳普沃;場景佈置:傑哈特 Art Direction: Jeannine Oppewall; Set Decoration: Jay Hart for Pleasantville
《搶救雷恩大兵》藝術指導:湯姆山德斯;場景佈置:麗莎狄恩 Art Direction: Tom Sanders; Set Decoration: Lisa Dean for Saving Private Ryan
最佳攝影 Cinematography
《海上花》李屏賓 Mark Lee Ping-bing for Flowers of Shanghai
《烈愛風雲》艾曼努耶盧貝茲基 Emmanuel Lubezki for Great Expectations
《輕聲細語》勞勃理查森 Robert Richardson for The Horse Whisperer
《搶救雷恩大兵》揚努許卡明斯基 Janusz Kaminski for Saving Private Ryan
★《紅色警戒》約翰托爾 John Toll for The Thin Red Line
最佳造型設計 Costume Design, Makeup and Hairstyling
★《伊莉莎白》服裝設計:雅莉珊卓拉本恩;化妝髮型:珍妮雪寇爾 Costume Design: Alexandra Byrne; Makeup and Hairstyling: Jenny Shircore for Elizabeth
《海上花》黃文英、宋敏蕙、沈步海、廖淑珍 Hwarng Wern-ying, Sung Min Hui, Chen Pu Hai and Liao Su Jen for Flowers of Shanghai
《歡樂谷》服裝設計:茱蒂安娜馬柯夫斯基;化妝:蘇珊A.卡布羅;髮型:卡蘿L.艾力亞斯 Costume Design: Judianna Makovsky; Makeup: Susan A. Cabral; Hairstyling: Carol L. Elias for Pleasantville
《莎翁情史》服裝設計:珊蒂鮑爾;化妝:麗莎魏斯特寇特、薇若妮卡麥卡里爾;髮型:麗莎魏斯特寇特 Costume Design: Sandy Powell; Makeup: Lisa Westcott and Veronica McAleer; Hairstyling: Lisa Westcott for Shakespeare in Love
《絲絨金礦》服裝設計:珊蒂鮑爾;化妝髮型:彼得斯沃茲金 Costume Design: Sandy Powell; Makeup and Hairstyling: Peter Swords King for Velvet Goldmine
最佳剪輯 Film Editing
《中央車站》費力佩拉賽達、伊莎貝拉泰里 Felipe Lacerda and Isabelle Rathery for Central Station
★《戰略高手》安V.寇慈 Anne V. Coates for Out of Sight
《蘿拉快跑》瑪蒂爾德邦佛伊 Mathilde Bonnefoy for Run Lola Run
《搶救雷恩大兵》麥克康 Michael Kahn for Saving Private Ryan
《電子情書》理查馬克斯 Richard Marks for You've Got Mail
最佳原創配樂 Original Score
《永遠的一天》伊蓮妮卡蘭德羅 Eleni Karaindrou for Eternity and a Day
★《烈愛風雲》派屈克多伊爾 Patrick Doyle for Great Expectations
《海上鋼琴師》顏尼歐莫利克奈 Ennio Morricone for The Legend of 1900
《紅色小提琴》約翰柯利格里安諾 John Corigliano for The Red Violin
《電子情書》喬治芬頓 George Fenton for You've Got Mail
最佳原創歌曲 Original Song
《電子情書》"Anyone at All" 詞曲:卡洛爾金、卡洛爾貝爾塞格 From You've Got Mail, Music and Lyric by Carole King and Carole Bayer Sager; Performed by Carole King
《蒙面俠:蘇洛》"I Want to Spend My Lifetime Loving You" 曲:詹姆斯宏納;詞:威爾詹寧斯;唱:馬克安東尼、蒂娜亞瑞納 From The Mask of Zorro, Music by James Horner; Lyric by Will Jennings; Performed by Marc Anthony and Tina Arena
《X情人》"Iris" 詞曲:約翰瑞茲尼克;唱:咕咕玩偶 From City of Angels, Music and Lyric by John Rzeznik; Performed by Goo Goo Dolls
★《花木蘭》"Reflection" 曲:馬修懷爾德;詞:大衛吉佩爾;唱:莉亞薩隆加、克莉絲汀阿奎萊拉 From Mulan, Music by Matthew Wilder; Lyric by David Zippel; Performed by Lea Salonga and Christina Aguilera
《埃及王子》"When You Believe" 詞曲:史蒂芬施沃慈;唱:蜜雪兒菲佛、莎莉杜沃斯基、惠妮休斯頓、瑪麗亞凱莉 From The Prince of Egypt, Music and Lyric by Stephen Schwartz; Performed by Michelle Pfeiffer, Sally Dworsky, Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey
最佳聲音 Sound
《洞》The Hole
《蒙面俠:蘇洛》The Mask of Zorro
★《搶救雷恩大兵》Saving Private Ryan
《紅色警戒》The Thin Red Line
最佳視覺效果 Visual Effects
《我很乖,因為我要出國》Babe: Pig in the City
《蟲蟲危機》A Bug's Life
★《搶救雷恩大兵》Saving Private Ryan
《美夢成真》What Dreams May Come