最佳影片 Best Film
★《我的母親》Todo sobre mi madre (All About My Mother)
2《新娘百分百》Notting Hill
3《天才雷普利》The Talented Mr. Ripley
4《綠色奇蹟》The Green Mile
5《驚爆內幕》The Insider
6《我的父親母親》The Road Home
8《鬥陣俱樂部》Fight Club
9《樂士浮生錄》Buena Vista Social Club
最佳導演 Directing
★ 佩德羅阿莫多瓦《我的母親》Pedro Almodóvar for All About My Mother
法蘭克戴拉邦特《綠色奇蹟》Frank Darabont for The Green Mile
麥克曼恩《驚爆內幕》Michael Mann for The Insider
羅傑米歇爾《新娘百分百》Roger Michell for Notting Hill
安東尼明格拉《天才雷普利》Anthony Minghella for The Talented Mr. Ripley
最佳男主角 Actor in a Leading Role
★ 羅素克洛《驚爆內幕》Russell Crowe in The Insider
麥特戴蒙《天才雷普利》Matt Damon in The Talented Mr. Ripley
李察法恩斯沃斯《史崔特先生的故事》Richard Farnsworth in The Straight Story
凱文史貝西《美國心玫瑰情》Kevin Spacey in American Beauty
高倉健《鐵道員》Takakura Ken in 鉄道員 (Poppoya)
最佳女主角 Actress in a Leading Role
茱莉亞羅勃茲《新娘百分百》Julia Roberts in Notting Hill
塞西莉亞羅特《我的母親》Cecilia Roth in All About My Mother
★ 希拉蕊史汪《男孩別哭》Hilary Swank in Boy's Don't Cry
瑞絲薇斯朋《風流教師霹靂妹》Reese Witherspoon in Election
章子怡《我的父親母親》Zhang Ziyi in The Road Home
最佳男配角 Actor in a Supporting Role
米高肯恩《心塵往事》Michael Caine in The Cider House Rules
麥可克拉克鄧肯《綠色奇蹟》Michael Clarke Duncan in The Green Mile
★ 裘德洛《天才雷普利》Jude Law in The Talented Mr. Ripley
海利喬奧斯蒙《靈異第六感》Haley Joel Osment in The Sixth Sense
傑佛瑞萊特《與魔鬼共騎》Jeffrey Wright in Ride with the Devil
最佳女配角 Actress in a Supporting Role
凱薩琳基納《變腦》Catherine Keener in Being John Malkovich
珊曼莎莫頓《甜蜜與卑微》Samantha Morton in Sweet and Lowdown
★ 安東妮雅桑璜《我的母親》Antonia San Juan in All About My Mother
克蘿伊塞凡尼《男孩別哭》Chloë Sevigny in Boy's Don't Cry
瑪姬史密斯《溫馨人生》Maggie Smith in Tea with Mussolini
最佳原著劇本 Original Screenplay
★《我的母親》佩德羅阿莫多瓦 Pedro Almodóvar for All About My Mother
《變腦》查理考夫曼 Charlie Kaufman for Being John Malkovich
《心靈角落》保羅湯瑪斯安德森 Paul Thomas Anderson for Magnolia
★《新娘百分百》理查柯提斯 Richard Curtis for Notting Hill
《酣歌暢戲》麥克李 Mike Leigh for Topsy-Turvy
最佳改編劇本 Adapted Screenplay
《鬥陣俱樂部》吉姆烏胡爾斯 Jim Uhls for Fight Club
《綠色奇蹟》法蘭克戴拉邦特 Frank Darabont for The Green Mile
《驚爆內幕》麥克曼恩、艾瑞克羅斯 Michael Mann and Eric Roth for The Insider
《我的父親母親》鮑十 Bao Shi for The Road Home
★《天才雷普利》安東尼明格拉 Anthony Minghella for The Talented Mr. Ripley
最佳藝術指導 Art Direction
《我的母親》藝術指導:安特克松高梅茲;場景佈置:費德利柯賈西亞康貝羅 Art Direction: Antxón Gómez; Set Decoration: Federico García Cambero for All About My Mother
《大開眼戒》藝術指導:雷斯湯姆金斯、羅伊沃克;場景佈置:麗莎雷翁尼、大泰瑞魏爾斯 Art Direction: Les Tomkins and Roy Walker; Set Decoration: Lisa Leone and Terry Wells Sr. for Eyes Wide Shut
《天才雷普利》藝術指導:羅伊沃克;場景佈置:布魯諾塞薩里 Art Direction: Roy Walker; Set Decoration: Bruno Cesari for The Talented Mr. Ripley
《斷頭谷》藝術指導:瑞克海恩瑞克斯;場景佈置:彼得楊格 Art Direction: Rick Heinrichs; Set Decoration: Peter Young for Sleepy Hollow
★《酣歌暢戲》藝術指導:伊芙史都華特;場景佈置:約翰布許 Art Direction: Eve Stewart; Set Decoration: John Bush for Topsy-Turvy
最佳攝影 Cinematography
《美國心玫瑰情》康拉德L.霍爾 Conrad L. Hall for American Beauty
★《驚爆內幕》丹泰史賓諾提 Dante Spinotti for The Insider
《與魔鬼共騎》弗瑞德里克艾恩姆斯 Frederick Elmes for Ride with the Devil
《斷頭谷》艾曼努耶盧貝茲基 Emmanuel Lubezki for Sleepy Hollow
《天才雷普利》約翰席爾 John Seale for The Talented Mr. Ripley
最佳造型設計 Costume Design, Makeup and Hairstyling
《安娜與國王》服裝設計:珍妮貝文;化妝:凱特琳勒布隆克;髮型:茉拉格羅斯 Costume Design: Jenny Beavan; Makeup: Catherine Leblanc; Hairstyling: Morag Ross for Anna and the King
《與魔鬼共騎》服裝設計:瑪麗特艾倫;化妝:傑夫古德溫;髮型:瓊妮亞布羅格 Costume Design: Marit Allen; Makeup: Jeff Goodwin; Hairstyling: Joani Yarbrough for Ride with the Devil
《天才雷普利》服裝設計:安蘿絲、蓋瑞瓊斯;化妝:蒂娜恩蕭、米夏畢格;髮型:凱喬吉伍、佩格許爾霍茲 Costume Design: Ann Roth and Gary Jones; Makeup: Tina Earnshaw and Michal Bigger; Hairstyling: Kay Georgiou and Peg Schierholz for The Talented Mr. Ripley
《斷頭谷》服裝設計:安蘿絲、蓋瑞瓊斯;化妝髮型:彼得歐文、保羅古區 Costume Design: Colleen Atwood; Makeup and Hairstyling: Peter Owen and Paul Gooch for Sleepy Hollow
★《酣歌暢戲》服裝設計:琳蒂漢明;化妝:克莉絲汀布朗戴爾、崔佛普勞德;髮型:克莉絲汀布朗戴爾 Costume Design: Lindy Hemming; Makeup: Christine Blundell and Trefor Proud; Hairstyling: Christine Blundell for Topsy-Turvy
最佳剪輯 Film Editing
《我的母親》荷塞薩爾塞多 José Salcedo for All About My Mother
★《鬥陣俱樂部》詹姆斯黑古德 James Haygood for Fight Club
《駭客任務》柴克史丹柏格 Zach Staenberg for The Matrix
《新娘百分百》尼克摩爾 Nick Moore for Notting Hill
《天才雷普利》華特莫區 Walter Murch for The Talented Mr. Ripley
最佳原創配樂 Original Score
《我的母親》艾貝托伊格雷西亞斯 Alberto Iglesias for All About My Mother
《美國心玫瑰情》湯瑪斯紐曼 Thomas Newman for American Beauty
★《心塵往事》瑞秋波特曼 Rachel Portman for The Cider House Rules
《愛情的盡頭》麥克奈曼 Michael Nyman for The End of the Affair
★《天才雷普利》蓋布里耶雅黑德 Gabriel Yared for The Talented Mr. Ripley
最佳原創歌曲 Original Song
《南方四賤客》"Blame Canada" 詞曲:特瑞帕克、馬克薛曼;唱:瑪莉凱柏格曼、特瑞帕克 From South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, Music and Lyric by Trey Parker and Marc Shaiman; Performed by Mary Kay Bergman and Trey Parker
《心靈角落》"Save Me" 詞曲唱:艾咪曼恩 From Magnolia, Music, Lyric and Performed by Aimee Mann
《玩具總動員2》"When She Loved Me" 詞曲:藍迪紐曼;唱:莎拉麥克拉克蘭 From Toy Story 2, Music and Lyric by Randy Newman; Performed by Sarah McLachlan
《泰山》"You'll be in My Heart" 詞曲:菲爾柯林斯;唱:菲爾柯林斯、葛倫克蘿絲 From Tarzan, Music and Lyric by Phil Collins; Performed by Phil Collins and Glenn Close
★《心動》「心動」曲:黃韻玲;詞:林夕;唱:林曉培 From Tempting Heart, "Tempting Heart," Music by Kay Huang; Lyric by Albert Leung; Performed by Shino Lin
最佳聲音 Sound
★《樂士浮生錄》Buena Vista Social Club
《鬥陣俱樂部》Fight Club
《綠色奇蹟》The Green Mile
《駭客任務》The Matrix
《奪寶大作戰》Three Kings
最佳視覺效果 Visual Effects
《鬥陣俱樂部》Fight Club
★《駭客任務》The Matrix
《神鬼傳奇》The Mummy
《斷頭谷》Sleepy Hollow
《星際大戰首部曲:威脅潛伏》Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace