最佳影片 Best Film
★《此情可問天》Howards End
2《生生長流》زندگی و دیگر هیچ (And Life Goes On (Life, and Nothing More...))
3《亂世浮生》The Crying Game
4《秋菊打官司》The Story of Qiu Ju
6《女人香》Scent of a Woman
7《軍官與魔鬼》A Few Good Men
8《紅豬》紅の豚 (Porco Rosso)
9《冬天的故事》Conte d'hiver (A Tale of Winter)
最佳導演 Directing
阿巴斯基亞羅斯塔米《生生長流》Abbas Kiarostami for And Life Goes On
尼爾喬丹《亂世浮生》Neil Jordan for The Crying Game
★ 詹姆斯艾佛利《此情可問天》James Ivory for Howards End
張藝謀《秋菊打官司》Zhang Yimou for The Story of Qiu Ju
克林伊斯威特《殺無赦》Clint Eastwood for Unforgiven
最佳男主角 Actor in a Leading Role
小勞勃道尼《卓別林和他的情人》Robert Downey Jr. in Chaplin
★ 艾爾帕西諾《女人香》Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman
史蒂芬瑞《亂世浮生》Stephen Rea in The Crying Game
提姆羅賓斯《超級大玩家》Tim Robbins in The Player
丹佐華盛頓《黑潮-麥爾坎X》Danzel Washington in Malcolm X
最佳女主角 Actress in a Leading Role
張曼玉《新龍門客棧》Maggie Cheung in Dragon Inn
★ 鞏俐《秋菊打官司》Gong Li in The Story of Qiu Ju
蜜雪兒菲佛《槍聲響起》Michelle Pfeiffer in Love Field
蘇珊莎蘭登《羅倫佐的油》Susan Sarandon in Lorenzo's Oil
★ 艾瑪湯普遜《此情可問天》Emma Thompson in Howards End
最佳男配角 Actor in a Supporting Role
傑伊戴維森《亂世浮生》Jaye Davison in The Crying Game
顧寶明《暗戀桃花源》Gu Bao-ming in The Peach Blossom Land
金哈克曼《殺無赦》Gene Hackman in Unforgiven
★ 傑克尼柯遜《軍官與魔鬼》Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men
艾爾帕西諾《大亨遊戲》Al Pacino in Glengarry Glen Ross
最佳女配角 Actress in a Supporting Role
茱蒂戴維斯《賢伉儷》Judy Davis in Husbands and Wives
★ 蜜雪兒菲佛《蝙蝠俠大顯神威》Michelle Pfeiffer in Batman Returns
凡妮莎瑞格烈芙《此情可問天》Venessa Redgrave in Howards End
米蘭達李察遜《烈火情人》Miranda Richardson in Damage
瑪麗莎托梅《智勇急轉彎》Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny
最佳原著劇本 Original Screenplay
《善意的背叛》英格瑪柏格曼 Ingmar Bergman for Den goda viljan (The Best Intentions)
★《亂世浮生》尼爾喬丹 Neil Jordan for The Crying Game
《今生情未了》賈克費耶許 Jacques Fieschi for Un Coeur en Hiver
《冬天的故事》艾力侯麥 Éric Rohmer for A Tale of Winter
《殺無赦》大衛魏布皮波斯 David Webb Peoples for Unforgiven
最佳改編劇本 Adapted Screenplay
《軍官與魔鬼》艾倫索金 Aaron Sorkin for A Few Good Men
★《此情可問天》露絲普拉沃賈布瓦拉 Ruth Prawer Jhabvala for Howards End
《大河戀》理查弗萊德柏格 Richard Friedenberg for A River Runs Through It
《女人香》波高德曼 Bo Goldman for Scent of a Woman
《秋菊打官司》劉恆 Liu Heng for The Story of Qiu Ju
最佳藝術指導 Art Direction
★《蝙蝠俠大顯神威》藝術指導:波魏爾區;場景佈置:雪若卡拉希克 Art Direction: Bo Welch; Set Decoration: Cheryl Carasik for Batman Returns
《無言的山丘》李富雄 Lee Fu-hsiung for Hill of No Return
《此情可問天》藝術指導:露西安娜阿瑞吉;場景佈置:伊恩惠特克 Art Direction: Luciana Arrighi; Set Decoration: Ian Whittaker for Howards End
《印度支那》賈克布夫諾瓦 Jacques Bufnoir for Indochine
《舞國英雄》凱薩琳馬丁 Catherine Martin for Strictly Ballroom
最佳攝影 Cinematography
《蝙蝠俠大顯神威》史戴凡查普斯基 Stefan Czapsky for Batman Returns
《此情可問天》東尼皮爾斯羅勃茲 Tony Pierce-Roberts for Howards End
《情人》侯貝弗黑斯 Robert Fraisse for L'amant (The Lover)
★《大河戀》菲利普胡賽洛特 Philippe Rousselot for A River Runs Through It
《殺無赦》傑克N.格林 Jack N. Green for Unforgiven
最佳造型設計 Costume Design, Makeup and Hairstyling
★《蝙蝠俠大顯神威》服裝設計:巴布林伍德、瑪莉佛格特;化妝:維尼爾、朗尼史佩克特、史丹溫斯頓;髮型:尤蘭達圖西恩 Costume Design: Bob Ringwood and Mary Vogt; Makeup: Ve Neill, Ronnie Specter and Stan Winston; Hairstyling: Yolanda Toussieng for Batman Returns
《吸血鬼:真愛不死》服裝設計:石岡瑛子;化妝:葛瑞格坎儂姆、米凱萊柏克、馬修W.孟格;髮型:瑪莉布隆姆、史都華特阿爾汀斯托 Costume Design: Eiko Ishioka; Makeup: Greg Cannom, Michele Burke and Matthew W. Mungle; Hairstyling: Mari Bloom and Stuart Artingstall for Dracula
《此情可問天》服裝設計:珍妮貝文、約翰布萊特;化妝:克莉絲汀貝佛里吉;髮型:卡蘿漢明 Costume Design: Jenny Beavan and John Bright; Makeup: Christine Beveridge; Hairstyling: Carol Hemming for Howards End
《笑傲江湖II東方不敗》張叔平、余家安 William Chang Suk-ping and Bruce Yu Ka-on for The Legend of the Swordsman
《美麗佳人歐蘭朵》服裝設計:珊蒂鮑爾;化妝:茉拉格羅斯;髮型:珍阿奇柏德 Costume Design: Sandy Powell; Makeup: Morag Ross; Hairstyling: Jan Archibald for Orlando
最佳剪輯 Film Editing
《第六感追緝令》法蘭克J.烏瑞歐斯特 Frank J. Urioste for Basic Instinct
《此情可問天》安德魯馬可斯 Andrew Marcus for Howards End
《警察故事III超級警察》張耀宗、張嘉輝 Peter Cheung and Cheung Ka-fai for Police Story III Supercop
《霸道橫行》莎莉曼克 Sally Menke for Reservoir Dogs
★《殺無赦》喬爾卡克斯 Joel Cox for Unforgiven
最佳原創配樂 Original Score
《阿拉丁》艾倫曼肯 Alan Menken for Aladdin
《此情可問天》理查羅賓斯 Richard Robbins for Howards End
《大地英豪》崔佛瓊斯、藍迪艾戴爾曼 Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman for The Last of the Mohicans
《紅豬》久石讓 Joe Hisaishi for Porco Rosso
★《女人香》湯瑪斯紐曼 Thomas Newman for Scent of a Woman
最佳原創歌曲 Original Song
《阿拉丁》"A Friend Like Me" 曲:艾倫曼肯;詞:霍華德艾許曼;唱:羅賓威廉斯 From Aladdin, Music by Alan Menken; Lyric by Howard Ashman; Performed by Robin Williams
★《終極保鑣》"I Have Nothing" 曲:大衛佛斯特;詞:琳達湯普遜;唱:惠妮休斯頓 From The Bodyguard, Music by David Foster; Lyric by Linda Thompson; Performed by Whitney Houston
《終極保鑣》"Run to You" 曲:賈德弗里德曼;詞:艾倫瑞奇;唱:惠妮休斯頓 From The Bodyguard, Music by Jud Friedman; Lyric by Allan Rich; Performed by Whitney Houston
《紅粉聯盟》"This Used to be My Playground" 詞曲:瑪丹娜、薛普佩提柏尼;唱:瑪丹娜 From A League of Their Own, Music and Lyric by Madonna and Shep Pettibone; Performed by Madonna
★《阿拉丁》"A Whole New World" 曲:艾倫曼肯;詞:提姆萊斯;唱:莉亞薩隆加、布萊德肯恩、芮金娜貝爾、皮波布萊森 From Aladdin, Music by Alan Menken; Lyric by Tim Rice; Performed by Lea Salonga, Brad Kane, Regina Belle and Peabo Bryson
最佳聲音 Sound
《蝙蝠俠大顯神威》Batman Returns
★《大地英豪》The Last of the Mohicans
《魔鬼戰將》Under Siege
最佳視覺效果 Visual Effects
《蝙蝠俠大顯神威》Batman Returns
★《捉神弄鬼》Death Becomes Her