最佳影片 Best Film
★《神鬼嚎野人》Hunt for the Wilderpeople
2《搖滾青春戀習曲》Sing Street
3《比海還深》海よりもまだ深く (After the Storm)
5《愛情未來》L'avenir (Things to Come)
6《新居風暴》فروشنده (The Salesman)
7《海邊的曼徹斯特》Manchester by the Sea
8《我是布萊克》I, Daniel Blake
最佳導演 Directing
是枝裕和《比海還深》Kore-eda Hirokazu for After the Storm
★ 塔伊卡瓦伊提提《神鬼嚎野人》Taika Waititi for Hunt for the Wilderpeople
貝瑞詹金斯《月光下的藍色男孩》Barry Jenkins for Moonlight
★ 約翰卡尼《搖滾青春戀習曲》John Carney for Sing Street
米雅韓森樂芙《愛情未來》Mia Hansen-Løve for Things to Come
最佳男主角 Actor in a Leading Role
凱西艾佛列克《海邊的曼徹斯特》Casey Affleck in Manchester by the Sea
亞當卓萊佛《派特森》Adam Driver in Paterson
★ 夏哈布荷塞尼《新居風暴》Shahab Hosseini in The Salesman
戴夫約翰斯《我是布萊克》Dave Johns in I, Daniel Blake
阿德里安提天尼《畢業風暴》Adrian Titieni in Bacalaureat (The Graduation)
最佳女主角 Actress in a Leading Role
薇歐拉戴維斯《心靈圍籬》Viola Davis in Fences
莎莉霍金斯《彩繪心天地》Sally Hawkins in Maudie
★ 伊莎貝雨蓓《她的危險遊戲》Isabelle Huppert in Elle
伊莎貝雨蓓《愛情未來》Isabelle Huppert in Things to Come
桑德拉胡勒《顛父人生》Sandra Hüller in Toni Erdmann
最佳男配角 Actor in a Supporting Role
馬赫夏拉阿里《月光下的藍色男孩》Mahershala Ali in Moonlight
傑夫布里吉斯《赴湯蹈火》Jeff Bridges in Hell or High Water
班佛斯特《赴湯蹈火》Ben Foster in Hell or High Water
盧卡斯海吉斯《海邊的曼徹斯特》Lucas Hedges in Manchester by the Sea
★ 山姆尼爾《神鬼嚎野人》Sam Neill in Hunt for the Wilderpeople
最佳女配角 Actress in a Supporting Role
樹木希林《比海還深》Kiki Kirin in After the Storm
賈奈兒夢內《關鍵少數》Janelle Monáe in Hidden Figures
★ 海莉史奎爾斯《我是布萊克》Haley Squires in I, Daniel Blake
安娜瓦黑內《佈局》Ana Wagener in Contratiempo (The Invisible Guest)
蜜雪兒威廉斯《海邊的曼徹斯特》Michelle Williams in Manchester by the Sea
最佳原著劇本 Original Screenplay
《比海還深》After Storm
《佈局》The Invisible Guest
《海邊的曼徹斯特》Manchester by the Sea
《完美陌生人》Perfect Strangers
《新居風暴》The Salesman
★《搖滾青春戀習曲》Sing Street
《愛情未來》Things to Come
最佳改編劇本 Adapted Screenplay
★《神鬼嚎野人》Hunt for the Wilderpeople
《酷瓜人生》Ma vie de Courgette (My Life as a Courgette / My Life as a Zucchini)
最佳藝術指導 Art Direction
《怪獸與牠們的產地》Beasts and Where to Find Them
《凱撒萬歲!》Hail Caesar!
《樂來越愛你》La La Land
★《夜行動物》Nocturnal Animals
最佳攝影 Cinematography
《失落之城》The Lost City of Z
《夜行動物》Nocturnal Animals
《慾望》The Untamed
最佳造型設計 Costume Design, Makeup and Hairstyling
★《凱撒萬歲!》Hail Caesar!
《蘇珊夫人尋婚記》Love and Friendship
《搖滾青春戀習曲》Sing Street
最佳剪輯 Film Editing
《赴湯蹈火》Hell or High Water
《神鬼嚎野人》Hunt for the Wilderpeople
《搖滾青春戀習曲》Sing Street
最佳原創配樂 Original Score
《酷寶:魔弦傳說》Kubo and the Two Strings
★《樂來越愛你》La La Land
《夜行動物》Nocturnal Animals
最佳原創歌曲 Original Song
《搖滾青春戀習曲》"A Beautiful Sea" from Sing Street
《搖滾青春戀習曲》"Drive It Like You Stole it" from Sing Street
《搖滾青春戀習曲》"Go Now" from Sing Street
★《搖滾青春戀習曲》"Up" from Sing Street
《樂來越愛你》"City of Stars" from La La Land
★《比海還深》「深呼吸」from After the Storm, "Deep Breath"
《你的名字》「なんでもないや」from Your Name., "Nandemonaiya"
最佳聲音 Sound
《比利.林恩的中場戰事》Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk
《鋼鐵英雄》Hacksaw Ridge
《與森林共舞》The Jungle Book
★《搖滾青春戀習曲》Sing Street
最佳視覺效果 Visual Effects
《奇異博士》Doctor Strange
★《與森林共舞》The Jungle Book
《怪物來敲門》A Monster Calls