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2019-01-22 2019第91屆奧斯卡金像獎入圍預測(最終版)Oscar Nomination Prediction (Final Edition) (42) (0)
2019-01-20 2018第七屆MB電影獎得獎名單 The 7th Movie Buff Film Awards Winners (149) (0)
2019-01-18 本週電影:狗奴人生 Film of the Week: Dogman (18) (0)
2019-01-15 羅馬 Roma (92) (0)
2019-01-11 本週電影:窒息 Film of the Week: Suspiria (18) (0)
2019-01-09 2019 第72屆英國影視藝術學院電影獎入圍暨得獎名單 EE The 72th Annual British Academy of Film and Television Film Awards Nominations and Winners (266) (0)
2019-01-04 本週電影:邊境奇譚 Film of the Week: Border (54) (0)
2019-01-01 2018 GC電影獎入圍暨得獎名單 George Column Film Awards Nominations and Winners (68) (0)
2018-12-30 2018第七屆MB電影獎入圍暨得獎名單 The 7th Movie Buff Film Awards Nominations and Winners (405) (0)
2018-12-28 本週電影:野梨樹 Film of the Week: The Wild Pear Tree (68) (0)
2018-12-23 2019第91屆奧斯卡金像獎入圍預測(12月版)Oscar Nomination Prediction (December Edition) (219) (0)
2018-12-22 本週電影:影 Film of the Week: Shadow (9) (0)
2018-12-21 本週電影:高潮 Film of the Week: Climax (137) (0)
2018-12-18 2018 MB影俱部第一到三季傑出影片/表演 Movie Buff Film Club Q1-3 Outstanding Films / Acting 2018 (29) (0)
2018-12-14 本週電影:羅馬 Film of the Week: Roma (30) (0)
2018-12-07 本週電影:蜘蛛人:新宇宙、寡婦 Films of the Week: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and Widows (17) (0)
2018-12-06 2019第76屆金球獎電影類入圍暨得獎名單 Golden Globe Awards Nominations and Winners - Motion Pictures (121) (0)
2018-12-03 1987 MB電影獎入圍暨得獎名單 Movie Buff Film Awards Nominations and Winners (176) (0)
2018-11-30 本週電影:無敵破壞王2:網路大暴走 Film of the Week: Ralph Breaks the Internet (20) (0)
2018-11-29 春光之境 God's Own Country (148) (0)
2018-11-23 2019第91屆奧斯卡金像獎入圍預測(11月版)Oscar Nomination Prediction (November Edition) (345) (1)
2018-11-19 野放動物 Sauvage (288) (0)
2018-11-16 本週電影:翠絲 Film of the Week: Tracey (14) (0)
2018-11-02 本週電影:波西米亞狂想曲、誰先愛上他的 Film of the Week: Bohemian Rhapsody, Dear Ex (87) (0)
2018-10-31 翠絲 Tracey (61) (0)
2018-10-30 誰先愛上他的 Dear Ex (154) (0)
2018-10-26 本週電影:登月先鋒 Film of the Week: First Man (54) (0)
2018-10-19 快樂王子:王爾德 The Happy Prince (271) (0)
2018-10-19 本週電影:舞動人生 Film of the Week: Billy Elliot (54) (0)
2018-10-18 真藥我的命 Pushing Dead-拿死亡開玩笑 (163) (0)
2018-10-16 2019第91屆奧斯卡金像獎入圍預測(十月版)Oscar Nomination Prediction (October Edition) (455) (1)
2018-10-12 本週電影:漢娜的失序人生 Film of the Week: Hannah (22) (0)
2018-10-09 本週電影:一個巨星的誕生 Film of the Week: A Star Is Born (200) (0)
2018-10-05 本週電影:禁身接觸 Film of the Week: Touch Me Not (109) (0)
2018-09-25 1988 MB電影獎入圍暨得獎名單 Movie Buff Film Awards Nominations and Winners (139) (0)
2018-09-21 本週電影:明天,最後一天 Film of the Week: Die Tomorrow (56) (0)
2018-09-17 情事 L’Avventura (265) (0)
2018-09-14 本週電影:B面人生 Film of the Week: Mug (35) (0)
2018-09-10 2018柏林、坎城、威尼斯影展得獎名單 Cannes, Berlin, Venice Film Festival Winners (274) (0)
2018-09-07 2019第91屆奧斯卡金像獎入圍預測(九月版)Oscar Nomination Predictions (September) (2074) (0)
2018-09-07 本週電影:笑畫人生、與神同行的少年 Films of the Week: Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far On Foot, The Prayer (33) (0)
2018-09-03 西遊記第壹佰零壹回之月光寶盒、大結局之仙履奇緣 A Chinese Odyssey Part 1: Pandora's Box, Part Two: Cinderella (1434) (0)
2018-08-24 本週電影:瘋狂亞洲富豪、她的錯誤教育 Films of the Week: Crazy Rich Asians, The Miseducation of Cameron Post (94) (0)
2018-08-10 本週電影:柏格曼:大師狂想、我的冠軍男友、永遠愛你,惠妮! Films of the Week: Bergman: A Year in a Life, Mario, Whitney (20) (0)
2018-07-27 1989 MB電影獎入圍暨得獎名單 Movie Buff Film Awards Nominations and Winners (89) (0)
2018-07-27 本週電影:不可能的任務:全面瓦解、喜歡你、愛上你、逃離你 Films of the Week: Mission: Impossible - Fallout, Sorry Angel (34) (0)
2018-07-13 本週電影:小偷家族 Film of the Week: Shoplifters (54) (0)
2018-07-06 本週電影:蟻人與黃蜂女 Film of the Week: Ant-Man and the Wasp (45) (0)
2018-06-29 本週電影:燃燒烈愛、超人特攻隊2 Films of the Week: Burning, Incredibles 2 (63) (0)
2018-06-15 本週電影:我的蛋糕師情人 Films of the Week: The Cakemaker (53) (0)