傑出影片 Outstading Films:
1《真寵》The Favourite
2《沒有煙硝的愛情》Zimna wojna (Cold War)
=《邊境奇譚》Gräns (Border)
=《老人與槍》The Old Man & the Gun
=《非·虛構情事》Doubles vies (Non-Fiction)
=《無主之作》Werk ohne Autor (Never Look Away)
=《厄夜追緝令》Den skyldige (The Guilty)
=《大象席地而坐》The Elephant Sitting Still
特別提及 Special Mentions:
《騙局》El reino (The Realm)
《幸福綠皮書》Green Book
《馴龍高手3》How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
《江湖兒女》Ash is the Purest White
《天使怎麼了》El Ángel
傑出表演 Outstanding Acting:
1 威廉達佛《梵谷:在永恆之門》Willem Dafoe in At Eternity's Gate
= 葛倫克蘿絲《愛·欺》Glenn Close in The Wife
= 奧莉薇亞柯曼《真寵》Olivia Colman in The Favourite
= 瑞秋懷茲《真寵》Rachel Weisz in The Favourite
5 馬切羅馮泰《狗奴人生》Marcello Fonte in Dogman
= 勞勃瑞福《老人與槍》Robert Redford in The Old Man & the Gun
= 維果莫天森《幸福綠皮書》Viggo Mortensen in Green Book
= 茱麗葉畢諾許《非·虛構情事》Juliette Binoche in Doubles vies (Non-Fiction)
= 喬安娜庫里格《沒有煙硝的愛情》Joanna Kulig in Cold War
= 西西史派克《老人與槍》Sissy Spacek in The Old Man & the Gun
特別提及 Special Mentions:
維克多波斯特《芭蕾少女夢》Victor Polster in Girl
克里斯汀貝爾《為副不仁》Christian Bale in Vice
羅倫佐費洛《天使怎麼了》Lorenzo Ferro in El Ángel
湯姆席林《無主之作》Tom Schilling in Werk ohne Autor (Never Look Away)
露琵塔尼詠歐《我們》Lupita Nyong'o in Us
馬赫夏拉阿里《幸福綠皮書》Mahershala Ali in Green Book
艾咪亞當斯《為副不仁》Amy Adams in Vice
艾瑪史東《真寵》Emma Stone in The Favourite
安東尼歐德拉托雷《騙局》Antonio de la Torre in The Realm
艾娃梅蘭德《邊境奇譚》Eva Melander in Gräns (Border)
蒂妲史雲頓《窒息》Tilda Swinton in Suspiria
克莉絲塔德黑《非·虛構情事》Christa Théret in Doubles vies (Non-Fiction)
史蒂夫庫根《喜劇天團:勞萊與哈台》Steve Coogan in Stan & Ollie
投票成員:牛頭犬、Tommy Liu、Alan Chu、保溫冰、喬治鎊