
最佳影片 Best Film
《一路到底:脫線舞男》The Full Monty
2《海上花》Flowers of Shanghai
3《愛在心裡口難開》As Good As It Gets
4《搶救雷恩大兵》Saving Private Ryan
5《楚門的世界》The Truman Show
6《天使熱愛的生活》The Dreamlife of Angels
7《心靈捕手》Good Will Hunting
8《洞》The Hole
9《我的名字是喬》My Name Is Joe
10《那一個晚上》The Celebration

最佳導演 Directing
詹姆斯L.布魯克斯《愛在心裡口難開》James L. Brooks for As Good As It Gets
艾力克宗卡《天使熱愛的生活》Erick Zonca for The Dreamlife of Angels
★ 侯孝賢《海上花》Hou Hsiao-Hsien for Flowers of Shanghai
彼得卡坦尼歐《一路到底:脫線舞男》Peter Catteneo for The Full Monty
史蒂芬史匹柏《搶救雷恩大兵》Steven Spielberg for Saving Private Ryan
彼得威爾《楚門的世界》Peter Weir for The Truman Show

最佳男主角 Actor in a Leading Role
麥特戴蒙《心靈捕手》Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting
勞勃杜瓦《來自天上的聲音》Robert Duvall in The Apostle
湯姆漢克斯《搶救雷恩大兵》Tom Hanks in Saving Private Ryan
達斯汀霍夫曼《桃色風雲搖擺狗》Dustin Hoffman in Wag the Dog
彼得穆蘭《我的名字是喬》Peter Mullan in My Name Is Joe
★ 傑克尼柯遜《愛在心裡口難開》Jack Nicholson in As Good As It Gets

最佳女主角 Actress in a Leading Role
海倫娜寶漢卡特《慾望之翼》Helena Bonham Carter inThe Wings of the Dove
艾蘿蒂布雪《天使熱愛的生活》Élodie Bouchez in The Dreamlife of Angels
★ 茱蒂丹契《布朗夫人》Judi Dench in Mrs. Brown
海倫杭特《愛在心裡口難開》Helen Hunt in As Good As It Gets
艾瑪湯普遜《冬天的訪客》Emma Thompson in The Winter Guest

最佳男配角 Actor in a Supporting Role
艾德哈里斯《楚門的世界》Ed Harris in The Truman Show
安東尼霍普金斯《勇者無懼》Anthony Hopkins in Amistad
葛瑞格金尼爾《愛在心裡口難開》Greg Kinnear in As Good As It Gets
畢雷諾斯《不羈夜》Burt Reynolds in Boogie Nights
湯姆威金森《一路到底:脫線舞男》Tom Wilkinson in The Full Monty
★ 羅賓威廉斯《心靈捕手》Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting

最佳女配角 Actress in a Supporting Role
★ 凱西貝茲《風起雲湧》Kathy Bates in Primary Colors
瓊庫薩克《新郎向後跑》Joan Cusack in In & Out
費莉妲洛《冬天的訪客》Phyllida Law in The Winter Guest
茱莉安摩爾《不羈夜》Julianne Moore in Boogie Nights
梅艷芳《半生緣》Anita Mui in Eighteen Springs

最佳原著劇本 Original Screenplay
《愛在心裡口難開》故事:馬克安德洛斯;劇本:馬克安德洛斯、詹姆斯L.布魯克斯 Story by Mark Andrus; Screenplay by Mark Andrus and James L. Brooks for As Good As It Gets
《不羈夜》保羅湯瑪斯安德森 Paul Thomas Anderson for Boogie Nights
《一路到底:脫線舞男》賽門波佛伊 Simon Beaufoy for The Full Monty
《心靈捕手》麥特戴蒙、班艾佛列克 Matt Damon and Ben Affleck for Good Will Hunting
《楚門的世界》安德魯尼可 Andrew Niccol for The Truman Show

最佳改編劇本 Adapted Screenplay
《海上花》朱天文 Chu Tien-wen for Flowers of Shanghai
《戰略高手》史考特法蘭克 Scott Frank for Out of Sight
《風起雲湧》伊蓮梅 Elaine May for Primary Colors
《桃色風雲搖擺狗》希拉蕊韓金、大衛馬密 Hilary Henkin and David Mamet for Wag the Dog
《慾望之翼》侯賽因阿米尼 Hossein Amini for The Wings of the Dove

最佳藝術指導 Art Direction
《勇者無懼》瑞克卡特;場景布置:蘿絲瑪莉布蘭登伯格 Rick Carter; Set Decoration: Brandenburg for Amistad
《海上花》黃文英、曹智偉 Hwarng Wern Ying and Tsao Chih Wei for  Flowers of Shanghai
《烈愛風雲》東尼伯若格;場景布置:蘇珊波德 Tony Burrough; Set Decoration: Susan Bode for Great Expectations
《搶救雷恩大兵》湯姆山德斯;場景布置:麗莎狄恩 Tom Sanders; Set Decoration: Lisa Dean for Saving Private Ryan
《楚門的世界》丹尼斯蓋斯納;場景布置:萳西海格 Dennis Gassner; Set Decoration: Nancy Haigh for The Truman Show
《慾望之翼》約翰貝爾德;場景布置:裘安伍拉德 John Beard; Set Decoration: Joanne Woollard for The Wings of the Dove

最佳攝影 Cinematography
《海上花》李屏賓 Mark Lee Ping-Bing for Flowers of Shanghai
《烈愛風雲》艾曼努耶路貝茲基 Emmanuel Lubezki for Great Expectations
《搶救雷恩大兵》揚努茲卡明斯基 Janusz Kaminski for Saving Private Ryan
《搖啊搖,搖到外婆橋》呂樂 Lu Yue for Shanghai Triad
《慾望之翼》艾杜瓦多賽拉 Eduardo Serra for The Wings of the Dove

最佳造型設計 Costume Design, Makeup and Hairstyling
《勇者無懼》露絲E.卡特、薇尼爾、勞勃路易斯史蒂文森 Ruth E. Carter, Ve Neill and Robert Louis Stevenson for Amistad
《半生緣》莫均傑 Mok Kwan Kit for Eighteeen Springs
《海上花》黃文英、宋敏蕙、沈步海、廖淑珍 Hwarng Wern Ying, Sung Min Hui, Chen Pu Hai and Liao Su Jen for Flowers of Shanghai
《布朗夫人》迪爾德瑞克蘭西、麗莎魏斯卡特、薇若妮卡麥卡利爾、貝佛莉賓達 Deirdre Clancy, Lisa Westcott, Veronica McAleer and Beverley Binda for Mrs. Brown
《慾望之翼》珊蒂鮑威爾、莎莉傑、揚阿契波德 Sandy Powell, Sally Jaye and Jan Archibald for The Wings of the Dove

最佳剪輯 Film Editing
《愛在心裡口難開》李察馬克斯 Richard Marks for As Good As It Gets
《一路到底:脫線舞男》尼克摩爾、大衛福里曼 Nick Moore and David Freeman for The Full Monty
《戰略高手》安妮V.寇茲 Anne V. Coates for Out of Sight
《搶救雷恩大兵》麥克康 Michael Kahn for Saving Private Ryan
《楚門的世界》威廉安德森、李史密斯 Wiliam Anderson and Lee Smith for The Truman Show
《Taxi終極殺陣》薇宏妮克蘭格 Véronique Lange for Taxi

最佳原創配樂 Original Score
《一路到底:脫線舞男》安杜德利 Anne Dudley for The Full Monty
《烈愛風雲》派屈克多伊爾 Patrick Doyle for Great Expectations
《美麗人生》尼可拉皮歐瓦尼 Nicola Piovani for Life is Beautiful
《搶救雷恩大兵》約翰威廉斯 John Williams for Saving Private Ryan
《楚門的世界》柏克哈德達爾維茲、菲立普葛拉斯  Burkhard Dallwitz and Philip Glass for The Truman Show

最佳原創歌曲 Original Song
《X情人》"Angel" 詞曲:莎拉麥克勞蘭 From City of Angels, Music and Lyric by Sarah McLachlan
《世界末日》"I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" 詞曲:黛安華倫 From Armageddon, Music and Lyric by Diane Warren
《心靈捕手》"Mister Misery" 詞曲:艾略特史密斯 From Good Will Hunting, Music and Lyric by Elliott Smith
《花木蘭》"Reflection" 曲:馬修懷爾德;詞:大衛吉波 From Mulan, Music by Matthew Wilder; Lyric by David Zippel
《007明日帝國》"Tomorrow Never Dies" 詞曲:雪瑞兒可洛、米契爾弗倫 From Tomorrow Never Dies, Music and Lyric by Sheryl Crow and Mitchell Froom

最佳音效 Sound
《蒙面俠蘇洛》The Mask of Zorro
《搶救雷恩大兵》Saving Private Ryan

最佳視覺效果 Visual Effects
《搶救雷恩大兵》Saving Private Ryan
《美夢成真》What Dreams May Come

最佳動畫長片特別獎 Best Animated Feature Special Award


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