
New this week: 'Ma Rainey's Black Bottom' and Paul McCartney | News 4  Buffalo

最佳影片 Best Picture
《猶大與黑彌賽》Judas and the Black Messiah
《藍調天后》Ma Rainey's Black Bottom
《邁阿密的一夜》One Night in Miami...
《花漾女子》Promising Young Woman
《靜寂的鼓手》Sound of Metal
《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》The Trial of the Chicago 7

導演 Directing
喬治C.沃夫《藍調天后》George C. Wolfe for Ma Rainey's Black Bottom
大衛芬奇《曼克》David Fincher for Mank
趙婷《游牧人生》Chloé Zhao for Nomadland
恩姆蘿德芬奈爾《花漾女子》Emerald Fennell for Promising Young Woman
艾倫索金《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》Aaron Sorkin for The Trial of the Chicago 7

男主角 Actor in a Leading Role
瑞茲阿梅德《靜寂的鼓手》Riz Ahmed in Sound of Metal
查德維克柏斯曼《藍調天后》Chadwick Boseman in Ma Rainey's Black Bottom
安東尼霍普金斯《父親》Anthony Hopkins in The Father
麥茲米凱森《醉好的時光》Mads Mikkelsen in Another Round
蓋瑞歐德曼《曼克》Gary Oldman in Mank

女主角 Actress in a Leading Role
薇歐拉戴維斯《藍調天后》Viola Davis in Ma Rainey's Black Bottom
安德拉戴《哈樂黛的愛與死》Andra Day in The United States vs. Billie Holiday
凡妮莎柯比《女人碎片》Venessa Kirby in Pieces of a Woman
法蘭西絲麥多曼《游牧人生》Frances McDormand in Nomadland
凱莉穆里根《花漾女子》Carey Mulligan in Promising Young Woman

男配角 Actor in a Supporting Role
查德維克柏斯曼《誓血五人組》Chadwick Boseman in Da 5 Bloods
丹尼爾卡盧亞《猶大與黑彌賽》Daniel Kaluuya in Judas and the Black Messiah
小萊斯利歐登姆《邁阿密的一夜》Leslie Odom Jr. in One Night in Miami...
保羅瑞西《靜寂的鼓手》Paul Raci in Sound of Metal
大衛史崔森《游牧人生》David Strathairn in Nomadland

女配角 Actress in a Supporting Role
瑪麗亞巴卡洛娃《芭樂特電影續集:哈薩克青年抱(錯)美國大腿之邁向強國必修課》Maria Bakalova in Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
葛倫克蘿絲《絕望者之歌》Glenn Close in Hillbilly Elegy
奧莉薇亞柯曼《父親》Olivia Colman in The Father
茱蒂佛斯特《失控的審判》Jodie Foster in The Mauritanian
尹汝貞《夢想之地》Youn Yuh-jung in Minari 

國際長片 International Feature
丹麥《醉好的時光》Denmark, Another Round
羅馬尼亞《一場大火之後》Romania, Collective
俄羅斯《親愛的同志》Russia, Dear Comrades!
瓜地馬拉《La Llorona》Guatemala, La Llorona
波士尼亞與赫茲哥維納《Quo Vadis, Aida?》Bosnia and Herzegovina, Quo Vadis, Aida?

原著劇本 Original Screenplay
《花漾女子》Promising Young Woman
《靜寂的鼓手》Sound of Metal
《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》The Trial of the Chicago 7

改編劇本 Adapted Screenplay
《父親》The Father
《藍調天后》Ma Rainey's Black Bottom
《讀報人》News of the World
《邁阿密的一夜》One Night in Miami...

美術設計 Production Design 
《藍調天后》Ma Rainey's Black Bottom
《狄更斯之塊肉餘生記》The Personal History of David Copperfield
《哈樂黛的愛與死》The United States vs. Billie Holiday

攝影 Cinematography
《深夜裡的美味秘方》First Cow
《讀報人》News of the World

服裝設計 Costume Design 
《藍調天后》Ma Rainey's Black Bottom
《狄更斯之塊肉餘生記》The Personal History of David Copperfield
《哈樂黛的愛與死》The United States vs. Billie Holiday

剪輯 Film Editing
《父親》The Father
《靜寂的鼓手》Sound of Metal
《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》The Trial of the Chicago 7

原創配樂 Original Score
湯瑪斯紐曼《細物警探》Thomas Newman for The Little Things
川特瑞茲諾、阿提克斯羅斯《曼克》Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross for Mank
亞歷山大岱斯普拉《永夜漂流》Alexandre Desplat for The Midnight Sky
詹姆斯紐頓霍華《讀報人》James Newton Howard for News of the World 
川特瑞茲諾、阿提克斯羅斯、強巴提斯特《靈魂急轉彎》Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross and Jon Batiste for Soul

原創歌曲 Original Song
《猶大與黑彌賽》Judas and the Black Messiah "Fight for You"
《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》The Trial of the Chicago 7 "Hear My Voice"
《歐洲歌唱大賽:火焰傳說》Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga "Husavik"
《來日同行》The Life Ahead (La Vita Davanti a Se) "Io Sí (Seen)"
《邁阿密的一夜》One Night in Miami... "Speak Now"

化妝髮型 Makeup and Hairstyling
《猛禽小隊:小丑女大解放》Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)
《絕望者之歌》Hillbilly Elegy
《藍調天后》Ma Rainey's Black Bottom

聲音 Sound
《讀報人》News of the World
《靜寂的鼓手》Sound of Metal

視覺效果 Visual Effects
《永夜漂流》The Midnight Sky
《沒有彩虹的國度》Welcome to Chechnya

紀錄長片 Documentary Feature
《新世代公民》Boys State
《希望之夏:身心障礙革命》Crip Camp
《76天》76 Days

動畫長片 Animated Feature
《古魯家族:新石代》The Croods: A New Age
《笑笑羊大電影:外星人來了》A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon


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