最佳影片-劇情類 Best Motion Picture - Drama
《以你的名字呼喚我》Call Me by Your Name
《郵報:密戰》The Post
《水底情深》The Shape of Water
★《意外》Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
最佳影片-喜劇或音樂類 Best Motion Picture - Comedy Or Musical
《大災難家》The Disaster Artist
《逃出絕命鎮》Get Out
《大娛樂家》The Greatest Showman
《老娘叫譚雅》I, Tonya
★《淑女鳥》Lady Bird
最佳女主角-劇情類 Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama
潔西卡雀斯坦《決勝女王》Jessica Chastain in Molly’s Game
莎莉霍金斯《水底情深》Sally Hawkins in The Shape of Water
★ 法蘭西絲麥多曼《意外》Frances McDormand in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
梅莉史翠普《郵報:密戰》Meryl Streep in The Post
蜜雪兒威廉斯《金錢世界》Michelle Williams in All the Money in the World
最佳男主角-劇情類 Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama
提摩西夏拉梅《以你的名字呼喚我》Timothée Chalamet in Call Me by Your Name
丹尼爾戴路易斯《霓裳魅影》Daniel Day-Lewis in Phantom Thread
湯姆漢克斯《郵報:密戰》Tom Hanks in The Post
★ 蓋瑞歐德曼《最黑暗的時刻》Gary Oldman in Darkest Hour
丹佐華盛頓《羅曼律師》Danzel Washington in Roman J. Israel, Esq.
最佳女主角-喜劇或音樂類 Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Comedy Or Musical
茱蒂丹契《女王與知己》Judi Dench in Victoria & Abdul
海倫米蘭《逍遙瘋上路》(暫名)Helen Mirren in The Leisure Seeker
瑪歌羅比《老娘叫譚雅》Margot Robbie in I, Tonya
★ 莎雪羅南《淑女鳥》Saoirse Ronan in Lady Bird
艾瑪史東《勝負反手拍》Emma Stone in Battle of the Sexes
最佳男主角-喜劇或音樂類 Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Comedy Or Musical
史蒂夫卡瑞爾《勝負反手拍》Steve Carell in Battle of the Sexes
安索艾格特《玩命再劫》Ansel Elgort in Baby Driver
★ 詹姆斯法蘭科《大災難家》James Franco in The Disaster Artist
休傑克曼《大娛樂家》Hugh Jackman in The Greatest Showman
丹尼爾卡盧亞《逃出絕命鎮》Daniel Kaluuya in Get Out
最佳女配角 Best Performance by an Actress In A Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
瑪麗J.布萊姬《泥沼》Mary J. Blige in Mudbound
周洪《縮小人生》Hong Chau in Downsizing
★ 艾莉森詹尼《老娘叫譚雅》Allison Janney in I, Tonya
蘿莉梅特卡夫《淑女鳥》Laurie Metcalf in Lady Bird
奧克泰薇亞史班瑟《水底情深》Octavia Spencer in The Shape of Water
最佳男配角 Best Performance by an Actor In A Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
威廉達佛《歡迎光臨奇幻城堡》Willem Dafoe in The Florida Project
艾米漢默《以你的名字呼喚我》Armie Hammer in Call Me by Your Name
李察詹金斯《水底情深》Richard Jenkins in The Shape of Water
克里斯多佛柏麥《金錢世界》Christopher Plummer in All the Money in the World
★ 山姆洛克威爾《意外》Sam Rockwell in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
最佳導演 Best Director - Motion Picture
★ 吉耶莫戴托洛《水底情深》Guillermo del Toro for The Shape of Water
馬丁麥克當納《意外》Martin McDonagh for Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
克里斯多佛諾蘭《敦克爾克大行動》Christopher Nolan for Dunkirk
瑞德利史考特《金錢世界》Ridley Scott for All the Money in the World
史蒂芬史匹柏《郵報:密戰》Steven Spielberg for The Post
最佳劇本 Best Screenplay - Motion Picture
《水底情深》吉耶莫戴托洛、凡妮莎泰勒 Guillermo del Toro and Vanessa Taylor for The Shape of Water
《淑女鳥》葛芮塔葛維格 Greta Gerwig for Lady Bird
《郵報:密戰》麗茲漢納、喬許辛爾 Liz Hannah and Josh Singer for The Post
★《意外》馬丁麥克當納 Martin McDonagh for Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
《決勝女王》艾倫索金 Aaron Sorkin for Molly’s Game
最佳動畫片 Best Animated Feature Film
《寶貝老闆》The Boss Baby
《戰火下的小花》The Breadwinner
《梵谷:星夜之謎》Loving Vincent
最佳外語片 Best Foreign Language Film
《不思議女人》智利 A Fantastic Woman (Chile)
《他們先殺了我父親:柬埔寨女孩的回憶》柬埔寨 First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers (Cambodia)
★《烈愛天堂》德國、法國 In the Fade (Germany, France)
《抓狂美術館》瑞典 The Square (Sweden)
《當愛不見了》俄羅斯 Loveless (Russia)
最佳原創配樂 Best Original Score - Motion Picture
《意外》卡特柏威爾 Carter Burwell for Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
★《水底情深》亞歷山大岱斯普拉 Alexandre Desplat for The Shape of Water
《霓裳魅影》強尼葛林伍德 Jonny Greenwood for Phantom Thread
《郵報:密戰》約翰威廉斯 John Williams for The Post
《敦克爾克大行動》漢斯季默 Hans Zimmer for Dunkirk
最佳原創歌曲 Best Original Song - Motion Picture
《萌牛費迪南》"Home" from Ferdinand
《泥沼》"Mighty River" from Mudbound
《可可夜總會》"Remember Me" from Coco
《The Star》"The Star" from The Star
★《大娛樂家》"This Is Me" from The Greatest Showman