最佳影片 Best Film
★《鋼琴師和她的情人》The Piano
2《新橋戀人》The Lovers on the Bridge
=《戲夢人生》The Puppetmaster
4《霸王別姬》Farewell My Concubine
5《亂世浮生》The Crying Game
6《大紅燈籠高高掛》Raise the Red Lantern
7《大亨遊戲》Glengarry Glen Ross
8《喜宴》The Wedding Banquet
9《今天暫時停止》Groundhog Day
=《女人香》Scent of a Woman
最佳導演 Directing
尼爾喬丹《亂世浮生》Neil Jordan for The Crying Game
陳凱歌《霸王別姬》Chen Kaige for Farewell My Concubine
李歐卡霍《新橋戀人》Leos Carax for The Lovers on the Bridge
★ 珍康萍《鋼琴師和她的情人》Jane Campion for The Piano
侯孝賢《戲夢人生》Hou Hsiao-Hsien for The Puppetmaster
張藝謀《大紅燈籠高高掛》Chang Yimou for Raise the Red Lantern
最佳男主角 Actor in a Leading Role
張國榮《霸王別姬》Leslie Cheung in Farewell My Concubine
德尼拉馮《新橋戀人》Denis Lavant in The Lovers on the Bridge
傑克李蒙《大亨遊戲》Jack Lemmon in Glengarry Glen Ross
★ 艾爾帕西諾《女人香》Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman
史蒂芬瑞《亂世浮生》Stephen Rea in The Crying Game
最佳女主角 Actress in a Leading Role
茱麗葉畢諾許《新橋戀人》Juliette Binoche in The Lovers on the Bridge
鞏俐《大紅燈籠高高掛》Gong Li in Raise the Red Lantern
★ 荷莉杭特《鋼琴師和她的情人》Holly Hunter in The Piano
米蘭達李察遜《情迷四月天》Miranda Richardson in Enchanted April
蘇珊莎蘭登《羅倫佐的油》Susan Sarandon in Lorenzo's Oil
最佳男配角 Actor in a Supporting Role
傑戴維德森《亂世浮生》Jaye Davidson in The Crying Game
葛優《霸王別姬》Ge You in Farewell My Concubine
哈維凱托《鋼琴師和她的情人》Harvey Keitel in The Piano
湯米李瓊斯《絕命追殺令》Tommy Lee Jones in The Fugitive
★ 郎雄《喜宴》Lung Hsiung in The Wedding Banquet
艾爾帕西諾《大亨遊戲》Al Pacino in Glengarry Glen Ross
最佳女配角 Actress in a Supporting Role
鞏俐《霸王別姬》Gong Li in Farewell My Concubine
★ 歸亞蕾《喜宴》Guei Ya-Lei in The Wedding Banquet
瓊普羅萊特《情迷四月天》Joan Plowright in Enchanted April
米蘭達李察遜《烈火情人》Miranda Richardson in Damage
瑪姬史密斯《祕密花園》Maggie Smith in The Secret Garden
最佳原著劇本 Original Screenplay
★《亂世浮生》尼爾喬丹 Neil Jordan for The Crying Game
《今天暫時停止》故事:丹尼魯賓;劇本:丹尼魯賓、哈洛瑞米斯 Story by Danny Rubin; Screenplay by Danny Rubin and Harold Ramis for Groundhog Day
《新橋戀人》李歐卡霍 Leos Carax for The Lovers on the Bridge
《鋼琴師和她的情人》珍康萍 Jane Campion for The Piano
《西雅圖夜未眠》諾拉艾芙蓉、大衛S.沃德、傑夫亞契 Nora Ephron, David S. Ward and Jeff Arch for Sleepless in Seattle
最佳改編劇本 Adapted Screenplay
★《情迷四月天》彼得巴恩斯 Peter Barnes for Enchanted April
《霸王別姬》李碧華、蘆葦 Lillian Lee and Lu Wei for Farewell My Concubine
《大亨遊戲》大衛馬密 David Mamet for Glengarry Glen Ross
《大紅燈籠高高掛》倪震 Ni Zhen for Raise the Red Lantern
《大河戀》理查福萊登伯格 Richard Friendenberg for A River Runs Through It
最佳藝術指導 Art Direction
《吸血鬼》湯瑪斯E.桑德斯;場景布置:蓋瑞特路易斯 Thomas E. Sanders; Set Decoration: Garrett Lewis for Bram Stoker's Dracula
★《霸王別姬》楊予和、楊占家 Yang Yuhe and Yang Zhangjia for Farewell My Concubine
《新橋戀人》米謝范戴斯提安;場景布置:伊蓮蓋里金 Michel Vandestien; Set Decoration: Irène Galitzine for The Lovers on the Bridge
《美麗佳人奧蘭朵》班凡歐斯;場景布置:揚羅夫斯 Ben van Os; Set Decoration: Jan Roelfs for Orlando
《鋼琴師和她的情人》安德魯曼凱潘;場景布置:梅莉克羅寧 Andrew McAlpine; Set Decoration: Meryl Cronin for The Piano
《戲夢人生》張弘、何獻科、盧明進、蔡照益 Chang Huang, Ho Hsien Ko, Lu Min Jin and Tsai Chao Yi for The Puppetmaster
最佳攝影 Cinematography
《霸王別姬》顧長衛 Gu Changwei for Farewell My Concubine
《新橋戀人》尚伊夫艾斯柯費耶 Jean-Yves Escoffier for The Lovers on the Bridge
《鋼琴師和她的情人》史都華卓萊柏格 Stuart Dryburg for The Piano
《大紅燈籠高高掛》趙非 Zhao Fei for Raise the Red Lantern
★《大河戀》菲利普胡賽洛特 Philippe Rousselot for A River Runs Through It
最佳造型設計 Costume Design, Makeup and Hairstyling
★《吸血鬼》石岡愛子 Eiko Ishioka for Bram Stoker's Dracula
《情迷四月天》席娜納皮爾 Sheena Napier for Enchanted April
《霸王別姬》陳昌敏 Chen Changmin for Farewell My Concubine
《美麗佳人奧蘭朵》珊蒂鮑威爾 Sandy Powell for Orlando
《鋼琴師和她的情人》珍娜派特森 Janet Patterson for The Piano
《誘僧》葉錦添、李偉明 Tim Yip and William Lygratte for Temptation of a Monk
最佳剪輯 Film Editing
《霸王別姬》裴小南 Pei Xiaonan for Farewell My Concubine
★《絕命追殺令》丹尼斯維克勒、大衛芬佛、狄恩古德希爾、唐布羅楚、理查諾德、多夫侯尼格 Dennis Virkler, David Finfer, Dean Goodhill, Don Brochu, Richard Nord and Dov Hoenig The Fugitive
《新橋戀人》奈莉桂提耶 Nelly Quettier for The Lovers on the Bridge
《鋼琴師和她的情人》薇若妮卡詹內特 Veronika Jenet for The Piano
《舞國英雄》吉兒畢爾卡克 Jill Bilcock for Strictly Ballroom
最佳原創配樂 Original Score
《阿拉丁》艾倫曼肯 Alan Menken for Aladdin
《大地英豪》崔佛瓊斯、藍迪艾德曼 Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman for The Last of the Mohicans
★《鋼琴師和她的情人》麥克尼曼 Michael Nyman fo The Piano
《大河戀》馬克艾軒姆 Mark Isham for A River Runs Through It
《祕密花園》季畢紐普瑞斯納 Zbigniew Preisner for The Secret Garden
最佳原創歌曲 Original Song
《阿拉丁》"Friend Like Me" 曲:艾倫曼肯;詞:提姆萊斯 From Aladdin, Music by Alan Menken; Lyric by Tim Rice
《終極保鑣》"I Have Nothing" 曲:大衛佛斯特;詞:琳達湯普森 From The Bodyguard, Music by David Foster; Lyric by Linda Thompson
《終極保鑣》"Run to You" 曲:賈德弗萊德曼;詞:艾倫丹尼斯瑞奇 From The Bodyguard, Music by Jud Friedman; Lyric by Allan Dennis Rich
★《阿拉丁》"A Whole New World" 曲:艾倫曼肯;詞:提姆萊斯 From Aladdin, Music by Alan Menken; Lyric by Tim Rice
《新不了情》「新不了情」曲:鮑比達;詞:黃鬱 From C'est la vie, mon chéri, Music by Chris Babida; Lyric by Huang Yu
《霸王別姬》「當愛已成往事」詞曲:李宗盛 From Farewell My Concubine, Music and Lyric by Jonathan Lee
最佳音效 Sound
《絕命追殺令》The Fugitive
★《侏羅紀公園》Jurassic Park
《大地英豪》The Last of the Mohicans
《鋼琴師和她的情人》The Piano
最佳視覺效果 Visual Effects
《吸血鬼》Bram Stoker's Dracula
《絕命追殺令》The Fugitive
★《侏羅紀公園》Jurassic Park
最佳動畫長片特別獎 Animated Feature Special Award