最佳影片 Best Film
★《甜蜜蜜》Comrades: Almost a Love Story
2《秘密與謊言》Secrets & Lies
3《理性與感性》Sense and Sensibility
6《愛在黎明破曉時》Before Sunrise
7《郵差》Il Postino (The Postman)
8《浮生》Floating Life
9《情書》Love Letter
最佳導演 Directing
李察林克雷特《愛在黎明破曉時》Richard Linklater for Before Sunrise
柯恩兄弟《冰血暴》Joel Coen and Ethan Coen for Fargo
★ 麥克李《秘密與謊言》Mike Leigh for Secrets & Lies
李安《理性與感性》Ang Lee for Sense and Sensibility
艾米爾庫斯杜力查《地下社會》Emir Kusturica for Underground
最佳男主角 Actor in a Leading Role
尼可拉斯凱吉《遠離賭城》Nicolas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas
李察德瑞福斯《春風化雨1996》Richard Dreyfuss in Mr. Holland's Opus
安東尼霍普金斯《白宮風暴》Anthony Hopkins in Nixon
西恩潘《越過死亡線》Sean Penn in Dead Man Walking
★ 馬西莫特羅伊西《郵差》Massimo Troisi in Il Postino (The Postman)
最佳女主角 Actress in a Leading Role
布蘭達布雷辛《秘密與謊言》Brenda Blethyn in Secrets & Lies
★ 張曼玉《甜蜜蜜》Maggie Cheung in Comrades: Almost a Love Story
法蘭西絲麥多曼《冰血暴》Frances McDormand in Fargo
伊麗莎白蘇《遠離賭城》Elizabeth Shue in Leaving Las Vegas
艾瑪湯普遜《理性與感性》Emma Thompson in Sense and Sensibility
最佳男配角 Actor in a Supporting Role
威廉H.梅西《冰血暴》William H. Macy in Fargo
菲利普諾瓦黑《郵差》Philippe Noiret in Il Postino (The Postman)
★ 艾德華諾頓《驚悚》Edward Norton in Primal Fear
艾倫瑞克曼《理性與感性》Alan Rickman in Sense and Sensibility
曾志偉《甜蜜蜜》Eric Tsang in Comrades: Almost a Love Story
最佳女配角 Actress in a Supporting Role
因同票而有六位入圍者 Due to a tie in voting in this category, there are six nominees
★ 瓊艾倫《白宮風暴》Joan Allen in Nixon
李鳳聲《浮生》Cecilia Lee in Floating Life
瑪麗安尚巴普提斯特《秘密與謊言》Marianne Jean-Baptiste in Secrets & Lies
蜜拉索維諾《非強力春藥》Mira Sorvino in Mighty Aphrodite
梅兒溫寧罕《落翅天使》Mare Winningham in Georgia
凱特溫絲蕾《理性與感性》Kate Winslet in Sense and Sensibility
最佳原著劇本 Original Screenplay
《愛在黎明破曉時》李察林克雷特、金克里杉、茱莉蝶兒、伊森霍克 Richard Linklater, Kim Krizan, Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke for Before Sunrise
《甜蜜蜜》岸西 Ivy Ho for Comrades: Almost a Love Story
★《冰血暴》柯恩兄弟 Joel Coen and Ethan Coen for Fargo
《浮生》方令正、羅卓瑤 Eddie L. C. Fong and Clara Law for Floating Life
《秘密與謊言》麥克李 Mike Leigh for Secrets & Lies
最佳改編劇本 Adapted Screenplay
《郵差》安娜帕維格納諾、麥克萊德佛德、伏里歐史卡培里、吉亞寇莫史卡培里、馬西莫特羅伊西 Anna Pavignano, Michael Radford, Furio Scarpelli, Giacomo Scarpelli and Massimo Troisi for Il Postino (The Postman)
《遠離賭城》麥可費吉斯 Mike Figgis for Leaving Las Vegas
★《理性與感性》艾瑪湯普遜 Emma Thompson for Sense and Sensibility
《猜火車》約翰哈吉 John Hodge for Trainspotting
《未來總動員》大衛匹波斯、珍娜匹波斯 David Peoples and Janet Peoples for Twelve Monkeys
最佳藝術指導 Art Direction
《情色風暴》珍妮佛柯恩克 Jennifer Kernke for Angels and Insects
《鳥籠》波威爾契;場景布置:雪若卡拉席克 Bo Welch; Set Decoration: Cheryl Carasik for The Birdcage
《亂世情緣》尤金尼歐贊內提 Eugenio Zanetti for Restoration
《理性與感性》露西安娜阿里費;場景布置:伊恩惠特克 Luciana Arrighi; Set Decoration: Ian Whittaker for Sense and Sensibility
★《地下社會》米里揚克雷卡克里亞柯維茨;場景布置:亞歷山大丹尼茨 Miljan Kreka Kljakovic; Set Decoration: Aleksandar Denic for Underground
最佳攝影 Cinematography
《三輪車夫》班諾瓦戴隆姆 Benoît Delhomme for Cyclo
《冰血暴》羅傑迪金斯 Roger Deakins for Fargo
《浮生》狄昂畢比 Dion Beebe for Floating Life
★《理性與感性》麥克寇特 Michael Coulter for Sense and Sensibility
《尤里西斯生命之旅》喬格斯阿凡尼提斯、安德雷亞斯西納諾斯 Giorgos Arvanitis and Andreas Sinanos for Ulysses' Gaze
最佳造型設計 Costume Design, Makeup and Hairstyling
《情色風暴》保羅布朗、莎拉蒙贊尼、馬丁山繆爾 Paul Brown, Sarah Monzani and Martin Samuel for Angels and Insects
《屋頂上的騎兵》芙蘭卡史克瓦奇亞皮諾、喬艾爾拉沃、娜塔莉路易瓊、尚皮耶貝侯耶、蜜莉安侯傑 Franca Squarciapino, Joël Lavau, Nathalie Louichon, Jean-Pierre Berroyer and Myriam Roger for The Horseman on the Roof
《亂世情緣》詹姆斯阿契森、保羅英格倫、蘇珊史多克斯蒙頓 James Acheson, Paul Engelen and Suzanne Stokes-Munton for Restoration
★《理性與感性》珍妮貝文、約翰布萊特、莫拉格羅斯、揚阿奇波德 Jenny Beaven and John Bright, Morag Ross and Jan Archibald for Sense and Sensibility
《未來總動員》茱莉魏斯、克莉絲汀貝佛瑞吉、佩姬尼柯遜、克莉絲汀娜巴托魯奇 Julie Weiss, Christine Beveridge, Peggy Nicholson and Christina Bartolucci for Twelve Monkeys
最佳剪輯 Film Editing
《賭國風雲》賽瑪史龔梅克 Thelma Schoonmaker for Casino
《冰血暴》羅德里克傑恩斯(柯恩兄弟)Roderick Jaynes (Joel Coen and Ethan Coen) for Fargo
★《猜火車》平窪正弘 Masahiro Hirakubo for Trainspotting
《理性與感性》提姆史圭雅斯 Tim Squyres for Sense and Sensibility
《地下社會》布蘭卡切培拉茨 Branka Ceperac for Underground
最佳原創配樂 Original Score
《鐘樓怪人》艾倫曼肯 Alan Menken for The Hunchback of Notre Dame
★《郵差》路易斯巴卡洛夫 Luis Barcalov for Il Postino (The Postman)
《情書》Remedios for Love Letter
《理性與感性》派屈克多爾 Patrick Doyle for Sense and Sensibility
《尤里西斯生命之旅》艾蓮妮卡蘭德羅 Eleni Karaindrou for Ulysses' Gaze
最佳原創歌曲 Original Song
★《因為你愛過我》"Because You Loved Me" 詞曲:黛安華倫 From Up Close & Personal, Music and Lyric by Diane Warren
《第三類奇蹟》"Change the World" 詞曲:湯米辛姆斯、高登甘迺迪、韋恩柯克派屈克 From Phenomenon, Music and Lyric by Tommy Sims, Gordon Kennedy and Wayne Kirkpatrick
《等待夢醒時分》"It Hurts Like Hell" 詞曲:肯尼斯布萊恩艾德蒙茲(娃娃臉)From Waiting to Exhale, Music and Lyric by Kenneth Brian Edmonds (Babyface)
《擋不住的奇蹟》"That Thing You Do!" 詞曲:亞當史勒辛爾 From That Thing You Do!, Music and Lyric by Adam Schlesinger
《金枝玉葉2》「有心人」曲:張國榮;詞:林夕 From Who's the Woman, Who's the Man, Music by Leslie Cheung; Lyric by Albert Leung
最佳音效 Sound
《ID4星際終結者》Independence Day
《不可能的任務》Mission: Impossible
★《絕地任務》The Rock
最佳視覺效果 Visual Effects
★《ID4星際終結者》Independence Day
《玩具總動員》Toy Story
最佳動畫長片特別獎 Animated Feature Special Award
《玩具總動員》Toy Story
投票成員:牛頭犬、劉德湧、Mike Chang、朱哲輝、保溫冰、喬治鎊