
傑出影片 Outstading Films

2.《玩命再劫》Baby Driver
3.《愛情昏迷中》The Big Sick
=《謝謝你,在世界的角落找到我》この世界の片隅に (In This Corner of the World)
5.《模犯生》ฉลาดเกมส์โกง (Bad Genius)
=《魅惑》The Beguiled
=《明月幾時有》Our Time Will Come
10.《徐自強的練習題》Condemned Practice Mode
=《羅根好好運》Logan Lucky
=《報告老師!怪怪怪怪物!》Mon Mon Mon Monster!
=《我的兼差媽咪》Que Horas Ela Volta? (The Second Mother)

特別提及 Special Mentions

《猩球崛起:終極決戰》War for the Planet of the Apes
《雙面愛人》L'amant double (The Double Lover)
《我只是個計程車司機》택시운전사 (A Taxi Driver)
《芬蘭湯姆》Tom of Finland
《女人的一生》Une vie (A Woman's Life)

傑出表演 Outstanding Acting

1. 荷莉杭特《愛情昏迷中》Holly Hunter in The Big Sick
= 葉德嫻《明月幾時有》Deanie Ip in Out Time Will Come
= 珍妮佛勞倫斯《母親!》Jennifer Lawrence in Mother!
4. 馬克萊倫斯《敦克爾克大行動》Mark Rylance in Dunkirk
= 宋康昊《我只是個計程車司機》송강호 (Song Kang-ho) in 택시운전사 (A Taxi Driver)
6. 蕾吉娜卡賽《我的兼差媽咪》Regina Casé in Que Horas Ela Volta? (The Second Mother)
= 安迪瑟奇斯《猩球崛起:終極決戰》Andy Serkis in War for the Planet of the Apes
= 周迅《明月幾時有》Zhou Xun in Out Time Will Come

特別提及 Special Mentions

周秀娜《29+1》Chrissie Chau in 29+1
鄭欣宜《29+1》Joyce Cheng in 29+1
培卡史特朗格《芬蘭湯姆》Pekka Strang in Tom of Finland
茱蒂蒙瓊查容蘇因《模犯生》ชุติมณฑน์ จึงเจริญสุขยิ่ง (Chutimon Cheungcharoensukying) in ฉลาดเกมส์โกง (Bad Genius)
茱蒂特軒姆拉《女人的一生》Judith Chemla in Une vie (A Woman's Life)
克絲汀鄧斯特《魅惑》Kirsten Dunst in The Beguiled
柯林法洛《魅惑》Colin Farrell in The Beguiled
約瑟夫哈德《放生員工請注意》Josef Hader in Wilde Maus (Wild Mouse)
妮可基嫚《魅惑》Nicole Kidman in The Beguiled
查農桑提納同庫《模犯生》ชานน สันตินธรกุล (Chanon Santinatornkul) in ฉลาดเกมส์โกง (Bad Genius)
蔡凡熙《報告老師!怪怪怪怪物!》Kent Tsai in Mon Mon Mon Monster!

投票成員:牛頭犬、Patrick Jia、Tommy Liu、Alan Chu、保溫冰、喬治鎊
客座投票成員:Jeffrey Chen、Danny Jheng


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