

  傑出影片 Outstanding Films

1.《佈局》Contratiempo (The Invisible Guest)
=《八月》The Summer Is Gone
=《神力女超人》Wonder Women
4.《海上焰火》Fuocoammare (Fire at Sea)
=《逃出絕命鎮》Get Out
=《失落之城》The Lost City of Z
7.《獨自在夜晚的海邊》밤의 해변에서 혼자 (On the Beach at Night Alone)
=《春嬌救志明》Love Off the Cuff

特別提及 Special Mentions

《異形:聖約》Alien: Covenant
《我的觸男日記》Die Mitte der Welt (Center of My World)
《星際異攻隊2》Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
《動畫人生》Life, Animated
《接線員》The Receptionist
《日常對話》Small Talk
《玩命鎗火》Free Fire
《愚行錄》愚行録 (Gukoroku - Traces of Sin)
《亞瑟:王者之劍》King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
《私人採購》Personal Shopper
《他們的美好時光》Their Finest

傑出表演 Outstanding Acting

1. 安娜瓦黑內《佈局》Ana Wagener in Contratiempo (The Invisible Guest)
2. 麥克法斯班德《異形:聖約》Michael Fassbender in Alien: Covenant
3. 葛優《羅曼蒂克消亡史》Ge You in The Wasted Times
= 查理杭南《失落之城》Charlie Hunnam in The Lost City of Z
= 金珉禧《獨自在夜晚的海邊》김민희 (Kim Min-hee) in 밤의 해변에서 혼자 (On the Beach at Night Alone)
=  孔維一《八月》Weiyi Kong in The Summer Is Gone
7. 路易斯霍夫曼《我的觸男日記》Louis Hofmann in Die Mitte der Welt (Center of My World)
= 滕爽《接線員》Teng Shuang in The Receptionist
= 楊千樺《春嬌救志明》Miriam Chin Wah Yeung in Love Off the Cuff
= 章子怡《羅曼蒂克消亡史》Zhang Ziyi in The Wasted Times

特別提及 Special Mentions

寶拉畢爾《雙面法蘭茲》Paula Beer in Frantz
陳湘琪《接線員》Chen Shiang-chyi in The Receptionist
滿島光《愚行錄》満島ひかり (Mitsushima Hikari) in 愚行録 (Gukoroku - Traces of Sin)
妻夫木聰《愚行錄》妻夫木聡 (Tsumabuki Satoshi) in 愚行録 (Gukoroku - Traces of Sin)
潔瑪雅特頓《他們的美好時光》Gemma Arterton in Their Finest
吉姆布洛班特《回憶的餘燼》Jim Broadbent in The Sense of an Ending
馬利歐卡薩斯《佈局》Mario Casas in Contratiempo (The Invisible Guest)
卡拉艾雷哈德《100公尺的人生》Karra Elejalde in 100 metros (100 Meters)
范時軒《接線員》Amanda Fan in The Receptionist
馮小剛《老炮兒》Feng Xiaogang in Mr. Six
席安娜米勒《失落之城》Sienna Miller in The Lost City of Z
克莉絲汀史都華《私人採購》Kristen Stewart in Personal Shopper

投票成員:牛頭犬、Patrick Jia、劉德湧、Alan Chu、保溫冰、喬治鎊


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